> From: Cathy Crowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> To subscribers:  This is a declaration put out by the Toronto Disaster
> Relief committee (committee membership at end of document). We seek
> endorsements from across Canada for this statement. I will forward a
> explaining the endorsement. The release date for our report is October 8
> the morning at the Church of the Holy Trinity in downtown Toronto. I will
> post details next week. Cathy Crowe
> State of Emergency Declaration
> Homelessness:  A National Disaster
> We call on all levels of government to declare homelessness a national
> disaster requiring emergency humanitarian relief. We urge that they
> immediately develop and implement a National Homelessness Relief and
> Prevention Strategy using disaster relief funds both to provide the
> with immediate health protection and housing and to prevent further
> homelessness.
> Canada has signed the International Covenant of Economic, Social and
> Cultural Rights guaranteeing everyone's right to "an adequate standard of
> living … including adequate food, clothing and housing." Homeless people
> have no decent standard of living; our governments are violating this
> agreement by neglecting them.
> Despite Canada's reputation for providing relief to people made
> homeless by natural disasters, our governments are unwilling to help the
> scores of thousands of people in Canada condemned to homelessness.
> economically, socially, and legally, we cannot allow homelessness to
> "normal" in Canadian life. Inaction betrays many thousands of us to a
> miserable existence and harms our society for years to come.
> Disaster Now
> q Crisis facilities are already overcrowded. People are ending up in the
> streets, parks, and alleyways
> q Youth and families with children are the fastest growing population in
> shelters
> q Major cities search far beyond their boundaries for temporary housing
> homeless families
> q Homeless people face poverty, hunger, malnutrition, and increased risk
> violence, communicable diseases and compulsive drug use
> q Homelessness causes psychological and emotional pain that can
> or precipitate agonizing deterioration of mental health
> q Prolonged homelessness permanently harms people; ultimately, it can
> them by exposure, illness, violence or suicide
> q Homelessness prevents people from maintaining their health, finding and
> keeping work, attending school and exercising their rights as citizens
> q Conservative estimates concur that about 200,000 Canadians are homeless
> Worse To Come
> q Shelters and other temporary measures provide at best a stopgap.
> insecurity and the risk of disease or violence means prolonged stays harm
> people 
> q Homelessness is contributing to a developing toxic brew of disease
> including HIV/AIDs, tuberculosis, hepatitis, sexually transmitted
> and other communicable infections
> q Prolonged homelessness for children harms them for life
> q Twenty years of research has shown a continual rise in homelessness,
> linked to unemployment, reductions to social assistance, cuts to public
> housing and inadequate tenant protection
> q Repeated government task forces, other studies, inquests and
> recommendations have produced little action, though documenting that the
> situation worsens yearly
> Declaring an Emergency
> We urge all levels of government to declare homelessness a national
> now, as a first step in implementing a National Homelessness Relief and
> Prevention Strategy, both short- and long-term.
> Immediate Short Term Measures
> q Governments should reopen and maintain services for the homeless
> q All governments should immediately reinstate or establish adequate
> assistance benefits
> q All governments should make suitable public buildings available as
> emergency shelters or hostels. 
> q Even parks can serve as temporary refuges with mobile homes, tents,
> houses and toilets
> q Governments should concertedly provide emergency medical relief,
> clinics, outreach, infirmaries, screening and immunization, and public
> nutrition and hygiene programs
> q Health strategies should especially treat the relationship between
> homelessness and severe infectious or communicable diseases such as
> HIV/AIDs, tuberculosis, and hepatitis
> q Governments should grant immediate emergency funding to
> organizations (churches, charities, non-profit groups, etc.)
> Long-term Measures to be Implemented Now
> q Governments should implement a "1 per cent solution": All levels of
> government now spend an average 1 per cent of their total budgets on
> housing. Adding another 1 per cent, and henceforth devoting the total 2%
> long-term housing, would take the single largest step towards eliminating
> homelessness.
> q Governments should maintain and fund social benefits and services on a
> stable, long-term basis
> q Crisis shelters and aid agencies should receive stable, long-term
> until the homeless are housed
> Clearly, the homeless situation is worsening daily at an alarming rate,
> the factors creating it remain unchecked.  Any delay in firmly and
> responding will only contribute to converting the present crisis of
> suffering and death which is already an epidemic which no civilized
> can tolerate.
> This call for Disaster Relief is made by the Toronto Disaster Relief
> Membership includes: David Hulchanski-Professor of Housing U of T, Trevor
> Gray AIDS ACTION NOW, Brent Patterson-AIDS activist, Beric German-Street
> Health AIDS outreach, Maurice Adongo&Paula Dolezal-Street Health mental
> health outreach, Peter Rosenthal-lawyer for TCAH in 1996 freezing deaths
> Inquest, John Andras-co-founder Project Warmth-Vice-President Research
> Capital Corp, Cathy Crowe, RN-Queen West CHC street outreach nurse, Rev.
> (Dan) Heap (Anglican)-former MP Trinity Spadina, Jeannie
> priest Diocese of Toronto, Frank Showler-Member of Board of St. Claire's
> Inter-faith Housing, David Walsh-President Realco Property Ltd, Sherrie
> Golden-OCAP, Sue Osborne-Housing Support Worker Cornerstone Women's
> In the deserts of the heart
> Let the healing fountain start  (W.H. Auden)
> Cathy Crowe, RN
> w: 416-703-8482 (117)
> fax: 416-703-6190
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