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Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 07:40:33 -0500
From: Doug Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Case Corp. Job Cuts Grow to 3,400

>From InfoBeat - http://www.infobeat.com . . . .

> 08:03 PM ET 12/21/98
> Case Corp. Job Cuts Grow to 3,400
>  Case Corp. Job Cuts Grow to 3,400
>            RACINE, Wis. (AP) _ A worsening world market for farm equipment
>  prompted Case Corp. to slash 2,400 additional jobs Monday and
>  dramatically reduce its earnings forecast for 1998.
>            In September, Case said it would cut 1,000 jobs because of the
>  decline in the global agricultural equipment market.
>            The slump, however, has become worse than expected in Russia and
>  other emerging markets, Case said, forcing the Racine-based farm
>  products manufacturer to take additional action.
>            ``Given the recent, precipitous decline in the agriculture
>  equipment market worldwide, we now expect the global market to be
>  down by as much as 10 percent this year and we anticipate an
>  additional deterioration of 10 percent in 1999,'' said Jean-Pierre
>  Rosso, Case chairman and chief executive officer.
>            The 3,400 job cuts now planned through the end of 1999 amount to
>  nearly a fifth of the company's worldwide work force of 18,000 and
>  include some temporary workers and contract employees.
>            Factories in Hugo, Minn., and Hamilton, Ontario, will shut down
>  by the end of next year, said Case spokesman William Masterson.
>            ``Employees were very aware of what's going on with the market
>  today,'' Masterson said. ``They realize we have to take some steps
>  to continue to be profitable in this kind of environment.''
>            Earnings in 1998, previously forecast to decline by 25 percent,
>  are expected to drop by almost 60 percent from last year's $396
>  million, Case said. Earnings in 1999 are expected to decline as
>  well.
>            The company said the reductions should save $95 million to $100
>  million a year, with two-thirds of the savings coming by 1999.
>            The company plans to take a restructuring charge against
>  earnings of $130 million to $135 million in the soon-to-end fourth
>  quarter of this year because of the plant closings and other
>  cutbacks. Additional restructuring charges will be taken as needed
>  in 1999.
>            Case also is taking a one-time charge of $43 million in the
>  fourth quarter for the write-down of assets and expenses from the
>  plant shutdowns and other actions related to the slumping market.

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Doug Hunt
Aspiring stone in the shoe of the dominant culture . . .
When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint,
When I ask why the poor have no food,
they call me a communist.
     -- Dom Helder Camara,
        Archbishop of Recife and Olinda, Brazil

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