Date:    Mon, 9 Nov 1998 22:16:54 -0500
From:    Sam Lanfranco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ILO Bureau for Workers' Activities: Discussion Paper on Globalization
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The following is the Table of Contents of an ILO working paper by Robert
Kyloh, and a FORWARD by Giuseppe Querenghi, Director, Bureau for
Workers’Activities, ILO . The full paper can be found at:

Governance of Globalisation: ILO's Contribution, by Robert Kyloh

1. Foreword and Introduction
2. Governing Globalisation - A Historical Perspective
3. Recent trends in trade and investment: globalisation or polarisation?
4. The impact of globalisation on workers and trade unions
5. Governing Globalisation in the 21st Century
 (a) Rebuilding strong trade unions and promoting collective bargaining
 (b) Multinational Agreements, Codes of Conduct and Social Labelling
 (c) Influencing Macroeconomic Policy and Promoting Full Employment
 (d) International Coordination of Economic and Social Policies
 (e) International labour standards and globalisation
6. Conclusions


Interest in the impact of ‘globalization’ has moved beyond the boardroom
and banking circles. Today the
implications of increased economic interdependence between nations is
just as likely to be discussed by a
group of workers on the factory floor as it is in the financial press.
However the terminology and the
interpretations differ substantially. For the financial barons, trade
specialists and captains of industry
globalization represents the golden age of opportunity and freedom. In
explaining the benefits of free trade, increased foreign investment and
greater scope for market forces the proponents of an integrated world
economy are likely to mention: the jobs created by multinational
enterprises and increased international investment; the productivity
gains from spreading the latest technology to developing countries; the
participation of the masses in stock markets through equity funds; the
need to maximise the comparative advantage of different countries; the
efficiency gains from ‘contracting out’ and more flexible labour
markets; and the discipline that these developments exert on governments
to diminish expenditure and create a favourable investment climate.

By comparison, discussions about the impact of globalization on the
factory floor are more likely to focus on how, because of greater
competition, they are expected to produce more output with fewer
workers; about the longer working hours or extra shifts that have been
introduced without any pay increase; about their friends that are now
unemployed after their company ‘downsized’; and about how management is
threatening to move production to China or Indonesia if labour costs
cannot be reduced still further. Other less fortunate workers will not
even have the luxury of discussions within the factory because they face
victimisation if they are caught complaining or attempting to form a
trade union that might protect their basic rights. In industrialised
countries globalization and increased competition are seen as
contributing to widening income differentials; the growth of precarious
forms of work and less job security; attacks on the social security
system; and the erosion of collective bargaining and trade union

Given the competing interpretations and implications of globalization,
debates about the topic have been
passionate. The international trade union movement has not been a
passive observer of this discourse. Most
trade unions are searching for ways to counteract the influence which
liberalisation of international trade and investment has had on the
bargaining power of labour. At the same time, the trade unions are
concerned to preserve the benefits that globalization can potentially
deliver through faster economic and employment growth, more affordable
consumer goods, and greater political stability through economic
interdependence. In any case the trend towards economic interdependence
across nations is unlikely to be reversed in the near future.

Consequently the trade union movement seeks to maximise the benefits for
workers of closer economic ties
while searching for ways to mitigate the undesirable repercussions of
increased competition. The trade union response to globalization is
being formulated at various levels from the shop floor to the
international forums.

The two articles in this volume review and expand upon some of the
strategies being pursued at the upper end of this spectrum.

The first article reviews the historical precedents to the current phase
of globalization and previous attempts to construct a international
institutional framework to simultaneously promote faster growth, free
trade and fair labour standards. Possible steps to strengthen the
influence of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in regard to
both national economic policy and the implementation of international
labour standards are considered.

The second article concerns ‘codes of conduct’ for multinational
enterprises and their network of suppliers. Such codes are usually a set
of rules established by the head office of a large corporation which are
aimed at eliminating various forms of labour exploitation (such as child
labour) throughout the multitude of small firms that are subcontracted
to supply inputs to the parent company. Due to pressure mounted by trade
unions and various NGOs about labour exploitation among the
subcontractors of high profile multinational companies, these codes are
back in vogue. This article examines various examples of codes, both old
and new, and makes recommendations about the content, development
process and monitoring mechanisms that are necessary to make them
effective instruments in the fight against child labour and other forms
of exploitation.

This publication, produced under a project funded by the Government of
Italy, brings together several aspects of the international trade union
agenda which is being developed in response to the challenge of
globalization. It explains and elaborates policies and position papers
adopted by various international trade union centres, as well as
arguments raised by representatives of the trade union movement in
debates about globalization, labour standards and full employment. While
the responsibility for the opinions expressed in this publication rests
solely with their authors, it represents a valuable resource to people
wanting to understand more clearly the emerging trade union perspective
on these issues.

Giuseppe Querenghi, Director, Bureau for Workers’ Activities, ILO

<rest of article at


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