>>                        VICE PRESIDENT ANNOUNCES PLAN
>>                        TO EXPAND INFO-TECH WORKFORCE

>> demand for computer scientists, engineers, and systems analysts will
>> double over the next 10 years -- an increase of more than one million
>> high-skill, high-wage jobs.  Today, many employers report difficulty
>> in recruiting enough workers with these skills.

- snip - 

>> of Education and the Department of Labor will provide up to $6 million

>> Department will invest $3 million in demonstration projects -- in

Fanfare and a little math. Let's see now, 

$6 million + $3 million = $9 million

$9 million / 1 million = $9 per head

What does that work out to in cups of starbucks coffee per high-skill,
high-wage worker? Is this some kind of an email joke, an "urban legend" like
the $250 Neiman-Marcus cookie recipe or the New Orleans kidney thefts?


Tom Walker
Know Ware Communications
Vancouver, B.C., CANADA
(604) 688-8296 
The TimeWork Web: http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/

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