>Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 12:50:36 -0700 (PDT)
>Precedence: bulk
>From: "National Centre for Sustainability (Yves Bajard)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Deep Sustainability <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Information site on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Dear colleagues:
... we have, at the National Centre
>for Sustainability, in co-operation with the Island Centre for Community
>Initiatives in Victoria BC Canada, have undertaken to create an educational
>and informational Website on the MAI and its context.
>This Website can be found at:
>                http://www.islandnet.com/~ncfs/maisite
>It is still udner cosntruction and will remain live for quite some time, as
>updates will be made regularly, according to new data received and comemtns
>made by its users..
>The MAI INFO  Website is informational, in that it is open to and makes
>cross-references to inputs form all sides, pro  or contra. It is organised
>for easy consultation and provides many cross-references on facts, opinions,
>strategies for and against, other organisations involved, and support to the
>strategies. It is a live site, which means that we are updating is
>frequently, as new information becomes available or as events change the
>evolution of the negotiations and of its wider context.  It is educational
>in that it proposes to the critical analysis of its visitors, ideas to learn
>about democracy, sustainability and the relations (or lack of relations)
>between the socio-economic process  of  globalization/uniformization of
>society under way now, and these two very important component of a liveable
>This Website is open to inputs at all levels: information, opinions, and
>strategic ideas, as well as indications of how those strategies perform
>toward their objectives. It is open to critical analyses, lateral thinking,
>attempts at proposing syntheses, etc..
>We hope that this Website can be used by you as a source of reference and
>inspiration for your action from anywhere your are with whatever means are
>available to you, in the direction you will choose.
>Please spread the URL of this site as far as you can and want, so that it
>becomes a real help in action. Your comments are of course very welcome adn
>we will take them into cosndieation top improve it.
>Best regards,
>Yves Bajard, D.Sc. Secretary
>National Centre for Sustainability
>Victoria and Vancouver, BC, Canada
>For details on education toward sustainability, visit our Website:
>http://www.islandnet.com/~ncfs/ncfs/  (Last update, June 16, 1997)

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