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Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 08:09:12 -0700
From: mckeever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: More on Terminator

>From Bridges Weekly Trade Monitor:

In related news, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and 
the Delta Pine Land Company (soon to be a subsidiary of Monsanto) are 
pursuing the international marketing of its Terminator Technology. 
Terminator Technology renders seeds sterile after one planting. This 
could end the historic practice among farmers of saving seeds for 
subsequent year's planting. Opponents to the technology argue it is 
inconsistent with Monsanto's claim that its biotechnology is the answer 
to world food problems. 

According to a scientist working on the Terminator Technology 
initiative with the USDA, "Our main interest is protection of American 
technology. Our mission is to protect U.S. agriculture, and to make us 
competitive in the face of foreign competition. Without this, there is 
no way of protecting the technology [patented seed]."

In August, India announced it would ban imported seeds containing the 
Terminator gene because of the potential harm to Indian agriculture. In 
May, the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological 
Diversity recommended that the precautionary principle be applied to 
the Terminator technology. The Conference also directed its scientific 
body to examine the technology's impact on farmers and biodiversity.

"Global warming endangers arctic;" "Strong calls for mobilisation of 
science and technology," IPS, October 15, 1998; "Bio-pollution sweeps 
across planet," IPS, October 12, 1998; "Biotech firms have their eyes 
on Africa," IPS, October 16, 1998; "World Bank praises green 
revolution," IPS, October 5, 1998; "Main points of Development 
Committee statement," AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, October 5, 1998; "Genetic 
polluters escape scot free Government Shambles Means Offenders Escape 
Prosecution," FRIENDS OF THE EARTH PRESS RELEASE, October 16, 1998.

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International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development 
and edited by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade 
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