Texas type thinking whether educational or Iraq.   Hicks with silver spoons
are still hicks.    In this article they call it Enron type thinking.   Of
course they will send the programmer to jail and he will take the blame.
They did that to my cousin who was the company secretary while the big wigs
got off.  She's 60 and in jail for 9 years on securities fraud.   She was
the part time secretary in the office.   That's Texas.   Only in Texas would
they cut the size of the Opera House to lower the number of seats and make
the gala tickets opening the season $5,000 per.   Now that is why they call
opera elite.   But they don't understand opera and they don't own it either.
And now there's few to buy the seats in their expensive new house in the
city where school vice-principals are bouncers.    There still fools who
believe we beat the Soviets rather than outspending them until they
collapsed bankrupt.   But like the big fish devoured by the school so are we
endanger with this foolish, foolish claque of people.   But how do we get
them out when the average person will only wait until they are bankrupt
themselves before they will become politically active?


July 11, 2003
Questions on Data Cloud Luster of Houston Schools

HOUSTON - When Jerroll Tyler, a sophomore at Sharpstown High School here,
turned 18, he met the full force of Texas' no-nonsense approach to
education. He received an attendance contract, warning that if he missed
more than two days of school, he was out permanently. By week's end, Mr.
Tyler had caroused his way past the limit.
Months later, when he showed up to take a state math exam needed for
graduation, a dean at Sharpstown told him he was no longer enrolled. "I went
home, and I never looked back at school again," Mr. Tyler said.
Which was why Mr. Tyler and his mother, Karen Gamble, were shocked to see
that Sharpstown High claimed it had no dropouts at all last year. It
reported, instead, that Mr. Tyler had transferred to Southwest High, a
charter school he had never even visited. Some 462 other students left the
school that year, and Sharpstown claimed that not one had dropped out.
Sharpstown was not alone. A recent state audit in Houston, which examined
records from 16 middle and high schools, found that more than half of the
5,500 students who left in the 2000-1 school year should have been declared
dropouts but were not. That year, Houston schools reported that only 1.5
percent of its students had dropped out.
The audit - which recommended lowering the ranking of 14 of the 16 schools
from the best to the worst, has been a stunning blow to the Houston school
system, the largest and most celebrated district in Texas. Last year, the
city won a $1 million prize as best urban district in the country, from the
Broad Foundation, which is based in Los Angeles.
The city has also been a pillar of the so-called Texas miracle in education,
whose emphasis on grading school performance became the model for the rest
of the country under the federal No Child Left Behind Act. It was largely on
the strength of his success here that Rod Paige, Houston's former
superintendent, followed George W. Bush east to become secretary of
Now, some here are questioning whether the miracle may have been smoke and
mirrors, at least on the high school level. And they are suggesting that
perhaps Houston is a model of how the focus on school accountability can
sometimes go wrong, driving administrators to alter data or push students
likely to mar a school's profile - through poor attendance or low test
scores - out the back door.
"It was Enron accounting," said Joseph Rodriguez, a former employee of the
district's office of research and accountability, who is running for an open
seat on the Houston school board. "Who are our dropouts? We haven't
identified them."
Dr. Paige, who ran the Houston system from 1994 to early 2001, declined to
directly address questions about the undercounting of dropouts. Dan Langan,
a spokesman, said, "The secretary stands by his record of accomplishment in
Mr. Langan said "Dr. Paige has a very strong record of success in education
reform in Houston" and had "promoted a culture of accountability."
The state audit, issued last month, recommended that the whole Houston
school system be ranked "unacceptable."
Houston school officials are appealing the proposed reclassifications,
saying that the problem was not large-scale fraud but sloppy record keeping.
Under Texas' system for reporting dropouts, schools are supposed to enter
one of several dozen codes when students leave, and must have proof that
students did not drop out but left, for example, to attend another school.
The state audit said that 3,000 of the 5,500 folders examined did not
contain sufficient evidence, like student signatures, to prove that students
were continuing their educations. The students should therefore be
reclassified as dropouts, it said.
In an e-mail message to state officials obtained by The New York Times, one
auditor noted that many students who had left school were coded as intending
to enroll in an alternative or high school equivalency program, and were, by
Texas rules, not dropouts. But the coding was often based on little more
than a statement by a school principal.
"If it was permissible for school officials to declare intent for a student,
they could state anything they please and we would be obliged to accept
their word as verification," wrote the auditor, L. T. Bailey. "A school
official may witness, record or `document' the expressed intent of the
parent, guardian, adult student, but they cannot supplant that choice."
Kaye Stripling, Houston's superintendent of schools, noted in the city's
appeal that a private audit of Houston schools, based on records from the
2001-2 school year, disputed only half as many records as the state review
did using the earlier records. Because Houston is making progress, Dr.
Stripling contended, it should not be punished.
The Houston system's supporters in the business community, some with close
ties to the Bush administration, maintain that the city's dropout figures
have long defied credibility but do not compromise the state's educational
"The Texas miracle was not about high school performance, it was about
elementary school performance," said Donald R. McAdams, an 11-year member of
the Houston school board and author of the 2000 book "Fighting to Save Our
Urban Schools. . .and Winning! Lessons from Houston."
Debbie Graves Ratcliffe, a spokeswoman for the Texas Education Agency, which
oversees the state's public schools, said that the state recognized the
shortcomings of its method for calculating dropouts and that it was adopting
a more stringent federal definition. In the 2004-5 school year, Ms.
Ratcliffe said, Texas will begin judging schools by graduation rates, not
dropout rates.
The state's inquiry here began after a local television station, KHOU,
reported in February that Sharpstown had falsified dropout records. An
assistant principal at the school, Robert Kimball, said he had assigned an
employee to contact some 30 students who he mistakenly thought had not shown
up for classes in September 2002. In fact, they had left the year before.
Some were attending other schools, but the majority had dropped out.
When the school reported its dropout figures to the state, however, it
altered the records to show that none had dropped out. The school accused a
former computer specialist, Kenneth Cuadra, of altering the data, but Mr.
Cuadra has said that he changed the codes under the orders of senior
administrators at Sharpstown, and that he restored the correct codes the
next morning, after reflecting on the implications of what he had been asked
to do.
According to records he provided, Dr. Kimball wrote to Sharpstown's
principal, Carol Wichmann, last November, warning her that the school was
misreporting drop out figures.
"We go from 1,000 Freshman to less than 300 Seniors with no dropouts," Dr.
Kimball wrote. "Amazing!" The school went on to officially report that it
had no dropouts, insisting even after a district official questioned the
claim at a school with "74.7 of the students at risk."
Dr. Wichmann did not respond to a request for comment, but in an interview
with KHOU this year, she maintained that the school truly had no dropouts.
The school has formally charged Mr. Cuadra with falsifying the data, which
he denies.
To Rick Noriega, a state representative who once ran a dropout prevention
program, the claim of zero dropouts was infuriating. He requested the state
"My whole concern about this is that we are in denial about the severity of
the problem," Mr. Noriega said.
In Texas, schools are judged based on standardized examination scores,
attendance and dropout rates. At Sharpstown, the entire staff received cash
bonuses for the school's performance the year Jerroll Tyler said he was
forced out.
In a third of Houston's 30 high schools, scores on the standardized exams
have risen as enrollment has shrunk. At Austin High, for example, 2,757
students were enrolled in the 1997-1998 school year, when only 65 percent
passed the 10th grade math test, an important gauge of school success in
Texas. Three years later, 99 percent of students passed the math exam, but
enrollment shrank to 2,215 students. The school also reported that dropout
figures had plummeted 92 percent, to 0.3 percent from 4.1 percent.
Dr. Kimball, in an interview here, said that many schools had assistant
principals who act as "bouncers," pushing students who show up late to
school or are frequently absent to quit. In addition, schools may hold back
9th graders who do poorly on a pre-test for the 10th grade math exam,
producing an artificial "9th grade bulge" in student enrollment, Dr. Kimball
said. Studies have demonstrated that students who are left back are more
likely to drop out.
"You're driving kids out that will skew your test scores," Mr. Noriega said.
Clement Nduli, an immigrant from Zaire, reported to 9th grade homerooms for
two years, though his report card shows he took 10th grade courses the
second year. Next month, he is to enter 11th grade.
"I was in 9th grade, 9th grade, then 11," said Mr. Nduli. "They tell me it
doesn't matter."
Michael Scott, a senior at Sharpstown last year, failed the math examination
six times and ultimately could not graduate. He and his mother, Annette
Small, fault the school for not giving him any math courses in his senior
year to help him pass. Nevertheless, Sharpstown reported Michael Scott as
one of its graduates.
"Michael has a right to have an education and a function as a young black
man in society, and they took that away from him," Ms. Small said.
Mr. Tyler, the Sharpstown dropout, says it was "a miracle" that turned him
around, so that now he works as a certified long distance mover with his
father. An aunt and uncle took him in, offering the steadiness he needed to
grow. "They taught me how to listen," he said.
Still, his mother said she was disgusted by the revelations about Sharpstown
administrators who concealed the true fate of its students.
"They're teaching the kids to abide by the rules," Ms. Gamble said, "but
they don't follow the rules themselves."

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