On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 08:01:14AM -0500, Tom Horsley wrote:
> I'm trying to train myself to leave one specific app
> running instead of clicking on the "close" button
> in the window decorations. (There is a bug that
> makes startup really slow).
> Can I make the close button binding not do a close
> just for one app? (If I really want to close it, I can
> use File->Exit). Or even make the close button simply
> not be there at all just for one app?

Bind the appropriate button to a function which does this:

    DestroyFunc X
    AddToFunc   X
    + I ThisWindow ("ClassOfApplicationYouWantToKeep") Break
    + I Close

Other options such as using FvwmEvent also exist.

-- Thomas Adam

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