
I'm using this config
# The autohiding functions (iz

# The autohiding functions
AddToFunc autohide
+ I ThisWindow ($0) Deschedule $[w.id]
+ I ThisWindow ($0) ThisWindow (shaded) AutohideShow $1 $3
+ I TestRc (!Match) All ($0, !shaded) autohide_hide $2 $3

AddToFunc AutohideShow
+ I Schedule $0 -$[w.id] WindowShade $1 off
+ I AnimatedScroll 0 1000
+ I Schedule $0 -$[w.id] Raise
+ I Schedule $0 -$[w.id] Deschedule $[w.id]

AddToFunc autohide_hide
+ I Schedule $0 $[w.id] WindowShade $1 on
+ I Schedule $0 $[w.id] Deschedule $[w.id]

AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmAuto FvwmAutohide -menter FuncAutoEnter

DestroyFunc FuncAutoEnter
AddToFunc FuncAutoEnter
+ I Autohide HiddenConsole 100 100 N

When I touch any place at north border of the screen, HiddenConsole pops out.

Is it possible to have more "hot spots" at screen border which will
pop up different hidden programs. For example, if whole border is
100%, if I would touch first 30% of the border with mouse , terminal
would pop up, if i would touch between 30% and 60% opera would pop up
and so on.
      temrinal                         opera                         firefox


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