Hello all,

I've read other recent post here about the same issue but the
original question is not answered there.  Not a big problem but
I'd like to know if it's really posible get bitmap fonts
rendering utf-8 characters.

I use en_US.UTF-8 locale.  Using scalable fonts (i.e.
xft:sans-10) all utf-8 characters are showed fine.  But I
couldn't get it work with bitmap fonts like:

Style * Font -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1

I read the man page and tried some stated there.  The output of

fvwm info on locale:
  locale: en_US.UTF-8, Modifier:
  Default Charset:  X: ISO8859-1, Iconv: Not defined, Bidi: No
  XOM Charsets: ISO8859-1 ISO8859-1 ISO8859-2
  Number of loaded font: 1
  * Font number 0
    fvwm info:
      Cache count: 1
      Type: FontSet
      Charset:  X: ISO8859-1, Iconv: Not defined, Bidi: No
      height: 13, ascent: 11, descent: 2
      shadow size: 0, shadow offset: 0, shadow direction:0
    X info:

shows three fonts not included by me in any config file.  I use
just two, the helvetica above and a fixed (both iso10646-1).

Some clue?



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