On the internet I stumbeled upon an example perl program,
implementing an fvwm module. This seems to be what I am 
looking for. The example worked fine on my system.

Now, I'd like to use 'SendToModule' to send strings to my 
module, so I tried to configure the perl program to read strings
as shown in the example below. When the module in the example
is started, it should send the configuration command
'style * notitle' to fvwm, when the program receives a 
string sent by fvwm through the command 

SendToModule FvwmTest astring

However, when I try this, nothing happens. What am I doing

Also I'd like to know, if there is some way to let the
module display a string somewhere, for debugging purpouses.

best regards,


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use lib `fvwm-config -p | tr -d '\n'`;
use FVWM::Module;

my $stringHandler= sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $type = shift;
        my @args = @_;

        $self->sendText("style * notitle");

my $module = new FVWM::Module(
        Name => "FvwmTest",
        Mask => M_STRING,

$module->addHandler(M_STRING, $stringHandler);

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