"Bert 'theBlackDragon' Geens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,

Hi.  Please don't send html to this list.

> I'm experiencing some weird crashes when swallowing an FvwmScript in an=20
> FvwmButtons (which is then used in a Panel), most notably this started=20
> happening after having added a progress bar, everything worked fine before=
> =20
> that, it also works fine when it's not being swallowed.

What release of fvwm are you using?

> Fvwm outputs this:
> FvwmApplet-Mpd2: Cause of next X Error.
> Error: 13 (BadGC (invalid GC parameter))
> Major opcode of failed request: 70 (PolyFillRectangle)
> Minor opcode of failed request: 0=20
> Resource id of failed request: 0x2c00091=20
> Leaving a core dump now
> This always happens when I restart Fvwm and there's no way to get it to wor=
> k=20
> again after that, it also mosttimes happens when starting Fvwm.
> All relevant files can be found here: http://www.lair.be/files/error/
> Specifically the core dump: http://www.lair.be/files/error/core
> the where output from gdb: http://www.lair.be/files/error/gdbOutput
> and the script itself: http://www.lair.be/files/error/FvwmApplet-Mpd2

The stack trace doesn't seem to show anything.
It looks like fvwm was built without debug symbols.
If you could build it with debug symbols (the default)
that would help.

I tried running the FvwmScript module, but it looks like without
mpc it won't do anything.
I didn't see the part about FvwmButton swallowing FvwmScript.

Sometimes Fvwm modules crash because there is a ModulePath
setting in the .fvwm2rc.  The can cause an old module to be
run by a newer fvwm.  If you have a ModulePath setting,
remove it, or read the man page and see how to add to it
using "+".

Dan Espen                           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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