Olivier Chapuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Mon, May 19, 2003 at 01:44:27PM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > Should the StyleById patch be applied before 2.6?  Please cast
> > your votes here.
> >
> Seems that there is no conclusion here. It seems that there is two
> votes for it (me and Mikhael) one vote against (Dominik) and one
> unclear vote (Dan). So I ask for more votes and clarification
> (Dan?). For that I send an other version of the patch (attached).
> I've followed all the advice (I can follow) that I get in this
> thread.  In particular, I've followed all the remarks (as I can) of
> Dominik regarding the code. So, Dominik I even hope you revert your
> vote (very little hope ...). Also: the cmds are named WindowStyle and
> DestroyWindowStyle and act on the selected window and there is the
> doc and some tests in purify.fvwm2rc.

You documented the command, and supplied test cases, so those objections
are withdrawn.

There was same talk about StyleById being temporary and you chose
WindowStyle instead of
using a null pattern to select the context window:

You used:

Next (window*) WindowStyle BorderWidth 7

instead of:

Next (window*) Style [] BorderWidth 7

I think I prefer the null pattern, but only slightly.

I don't think I have any other objections.
The code you added looks pretty good.

> PS: What are the rules for the votes? 

We never had formal rules.
I think these are fair rules:

anyone on the list can vote.
votes from people that contribute more should count for more.
votes should include reasons, the reasons matter too.

Dan Espen                           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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