On Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 10:19 PM, Brian wrote:
> A while back I added the following to my config.
> AddToMenu DOCMenu "Documents" Title
> + MissingSubmenuFunction FuncFVWMMenuDIrectory
> + "Documents" Popup /home/brian/Documents
> With the hope that it would pull up a llst of documents in my home
> documents directory and then easily select a document
> and open it. Well the function does pull up the list of
> documents/directories and opens subdirectories and files, but all the
> documents open in "vi" and not in the application designated by the
> file extension type ie .pdf, .ods, .doc, or .jpg. 

You didn't include the definition of FuncFVWMMenuDIrectory or the (presumably) 
script it points at, which is what does the heavy lifting for 

Speculating wildly, if you are using fvwm_make_directory_menu.sh from the FVWM 
distribution in FuncFVWMMenuDIrectory, you are always getting vi because that 
is what fvwm_make_directory_menu.sh puts as the application to run for all 
non-directory files.  If you want different actions based on the extension, 
you'll need to write a more sophisticated script that is extension aware to use 
in the place of fvwm_make_directory_menu.sh.


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