Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 02:03:09PM -0400, Michael J Assels wrote: > I don't have a copy, unfortunately, but I remember the author's > name: Peter Beebe. Thank goodness for the web archive! Can anyone revise the below so that it works with Perl 5? .robin. From: Peter Beebee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: revision Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 01:33:20 PDT # I've revised my original entry - the # code is now more general. The top part # of the code sets @_ to be an array of the # ascii values of the characters to be printed. # The bottom part does the printing. ++$|;$* =$|+$|;$$=($** $*+$|)**$**$*;$,=$$* $*;$'=$,+$|--;$+=$***( $**$*);$;= $,-$*;@_=( $,-$+-$*- $*,$',$,+ $+,$',$;+ $+,$+*$*, $$+$+,$',$',$;,$',$'); $_=$];$#=$*='(.)' ;$#.=$*;$*.=$#;$#.=$#;($/, $\,$$)=/\$\$.$*:/;($@,$_,$&,$+,$') =/:.($#)/;$:= $/++;$/++;$*= $'++;$'++; $;=$'++;$$ ++;$$++;$$ ++;$#= $$++;$#=$& ..$/.$#.$' ;$'=$$++ ;$$++;$$= $_.$:.$/. $$;$:=$+ ++;$;=$_. $:.$'.$;.$\;$+= $+.$_.$*.$' .$\;$,=++ $|;$'=$,++ ;@'=($#,'`'.$@,'-'.$&,'"' .$;,$$.'(\''.$/.($,+$#_),'\',',$+, '(/','/,','\'',@_,'\'))"`', $'.'>&'.$,);`@'`;
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
In article <0b4701c128c3$a4809af0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Cotter) wrote: > From: "John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > What animal do you want on the cover? :-) > > Jeraphs > > *groan* :-) What would the world be like today if Mr. Ed had been a Camel? =8) -- Scott R. Godin| e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Laughing Dragon Services |web : It is not necessary to cc: me via e-mail unless you mean to speak off-group. I read these via, so as to get the stuff OUT of my mailbox. :-)
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael J Assels) wrote: > On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > Are there other ways to do it with no letters? > > What about no numbers too? > > Here's one with no letters, numbers, parentheses, brackets > or braces: > > $@='@'^'@';$_='!'&~'"';$/='"'&~'!';$^='$'&~'!';$,='*'&~'#'; > $:='$'&'"';$~='?'^'/';$\=$_|'@';$;=$:|$/;$_="\@\@\@\@$@$,". > "\@$@$/\@\@\@$@$/\@$\$\\@$@\@\@$\\@\@\@\@$@\@\@\@\@$@\@\@". > "\@$\\@\@$,\@\@$/$/"|"$@$_$/$,$@$_$_$@$_$@$_$_$@$@$@$~$/". > "$~$@$@$,$,$~$@$_$/$@$@$_$/$,$@$@$_$_$/$_$/$@$,$,$@$_"|$~. > "$^$~$^$@$^$^$@$^$^$,$^$@$@$/$^$~$^$@$_$^$^$^$,$^$~$@$@$^". > "$~$^$@$,$@$/$,$^$~$^$^$^$@$^"|"$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:". > "$:$:$,$:$:$:$:$:$;$;$:$:$:$:$:$~$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$~". > "$;$:$:";`$_` > > > (Unnecessary newlines added only for clarity.) > > Michael I hereby christen this one, "Ship arriving too late to save a drowning JAPH"[1] [1] (which should amuse any Zappa fans around here) [2] [2] (notwithstanding the uncanny if slight resemblance to the prow of a ship when rendered in a non-monospaced font like Trebuchet MS...and thus to the album of similar name by aforementioned artist. ) print pack "H*", "4a75737420416e6f74686572204d61635065726c204861636b65722c0d"; -- Scott R. Godin| e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Laughing Dragon Services |web : It is not necessary to cc: me via e-mail unless you mean to speak off-group. I read these via, so as to get the stuff OUT of my mailbox. :-)
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
Thanks to Lev Selector, I have extended my original into an "Accidental Smirch". Originally, I was just trying to make it easier to generate an obfuscated Perl program to print a simple text message to annoy my friends with. Lev asked could it be extended to convert a Perl program into an obfuscated one. I said I didn't have a clue; then I realised that simply replacing the final "print" with "eval" should do the trick. -- my $q;my $i=0;my $e=0; if($ARGV[0] eq '-e'){$e=1;shift} my %C=map{chr(),"'".chr()."'"}0..255; $C{"\n"} = q#''.('`'|'.')#; $C{"\t"} = q#''.((']'^'-')|'$')#; $C{'$'} = q#''.'$'#; $C{'@'} = q#''.'@'#; $C{'\\'} = q#''.''#; $C{'"'} = q#''.'"'#; $C{"'"} = q#'\\''#; $C{'p'} = q#(']'^'-')#; # 'a'..'o' $C{chr($_+64)}=q#('`'|#.($q=$_==39?'"':"'").chr()."$q)" for 33..47; # 'q'..'z' $C{chr($_+80)}=q#((']'^'-')|#.($q=$_==39?'"':"'").chr()."$q)" for 33..42; # 'A'..'Z'. $C{+uc}=qq#($C{$_}&~\' ')# for 'a'..'z'; # '0'..'9' $C{$i++}=q#('^'^('`'|#.($q=$_==39?'"':"'").chr()."$q))" for (46,47,44,45,42,43,40,41,38,39); print q#''=~('(?{'.#; print $e ? qq#$C{e}.$C{v}.$C{a}.$C{l}.'"'# : qq#$C{p}.$C{r}.$C{i}.$C{n}.$C{t}.'"'#; print map{'.'.$C{$_}}map/./gs,<>; print q#.'"'.'})')#; Example usage: perl fred.txt > where fred.txt contains, say: Just another Perl hacker will generate a Perl program,, containing no alphanumeric characters (as before) while: perl -e > will generate, an obfuscated version of, with no alphanumeric characters. For cheap thrills, I ran on itself a few times: perl -e > perl -e > perl -e > perl -e > is about 1 MB in size (I won't attach it to this mail:-) and takes about a minute to run, but still seems to work. Andrew.
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
From: "John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > What animal do you want on the cover? :-) Jeraphs
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
> "John" == John W Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> Next, O'Reilly will be soliciting for "JAPHs in a Nutshell"! John> What animal do you want on the cover? :-) A Party Animal, of course. :) -- Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc. See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Saturday 18 August 2001 08:24, Randal L. Schwartz wrote: > > Gawd. What have I started? > > :-) > > Next, O'Reilly will be soliciting for "JAPHs in a Nutshell"! What animal do you want on the cover? :-) -- John Wesley Krahn, CD Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
> "RLS" == Randal L Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: RLS> Next, O'Reilly will be soliciting for "JAPHs in a Nutshell"! they could make it into one of those tiny $5 desktop/pocket editions. with NO explanations. :-) uri -- Uri Guttman - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- SYStems ARCHitecture and Stem Development -- Search or Offer Perl Jobs --
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
> "Andrew" == Andrew Savige <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Andrew> Maybe there should be an ANSI JAPH standard. Gawd. What have I started? :-) Next, O'Reilly will be soliciting for "JAPHs in a Nutshell"! -- Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc. See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!
RE: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
Ronald J Kimball wrote: > ''=~("(?{".('}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'& > ~'/- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'| > ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` ')."})"); > > Inspired by Abigail and Japhy's recent postings. > > Ronald Ronald, that was very impressive! Using your trick and ideas from Jas' delightful Acme::Smirch CPAN module, I have come up with two program generators: (Program generator based on Ronald's trick) -- my %C;my $q; # Default values. $C{+chr} = "'" . chr() . "'" for 32..126; # Sorry, can't handle these punctuation symbols. $C{$_}="' '" for ('"',"'",'$','@','\\'); $C{"\n"} = q^''.('`'|'.')^; $C{'p'} = q#(']'^'-')#; # 'a' to 'o' $C{chr($_+64)}=q^('`'|^.($q=$_==39?'"':"'").chr()."$q)" for 33..47; # 'q'..'z' $C{chr($_+80)}=q#((']'^'-')|#.($q=$_==39?'"':"'").chr()."$q)" for 33..42; # 'A'..'Z'. $C{+uc}=qq^($C{$_}&~\' ')^ for 'a'..'z'; print q^''=~('(?{'.^; print qq^$C{p}.$C{r}.$C{i}.$C{n}.$C{t}.'"'^; print map{'.'.$C{$_}}map/./gs,<>; print q^.'"'.'})')^; (uses older `$_` trick to write to stderr) - my %C;my $q; # Default values. $C{+chr} = "'" . chr() . "'" for 32..126; # Sorry, can't handle these punctuation symbols. $C{$_}="' '" for ('"',"'",'`','&','<','>','|','^','$','@','\\'); $C{' '} = q^$"^; $C{"\n"} = q^''.($;|'.')^; $C{'p'} = '$:'; # 'a' to 'o' $C{chr($_+64)}='($;|'.($q=$_==39?'"':"'").chr()."$q)" for 33..47; # 'q'..'z' $C{chr($_+80)}='($:|'.($q=$_==39?'"':"'").chr()."$q)" for 33..42; # 'A'..'Z'. $C{+uc}=qq^($C{$_}&~\$")^ for 'a'..'z'; my $e = q^$".'-'.($;|'%').'"'^; print q^$#='#';$;='`';$:=$;|$%;$_=^; print qq^$C{p}.$C{e}.$C{r}.$C{l}.$e.$C{w}.$C{a}.$C{r}.$C{n}.'\\"'^; print map{'.'.$C{$_}}map/./gs,<>; print q^.'\\""';`$_`^; Example usage: perl fred.txt > where fred.txt contains, say: Just another Perl hacker will generate a Perl program,, containing no alphnumeric characters. can be manually shaped into various animals or other things. Andrew.
RE: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
Yes, Thank you. And you also use (" ") instead of // Which makes people scratch their heads trying to match the quotes and braces. ''=~/(?{print "hello1\n";})/; ''=~("(?{print \"hello2\n\";})"); ''=~("(?{print 'hello3\n';})"); Warmest Regards Lev Selector New York, t. 212-902-3040 -Original Message- From: Ronald J Kimball [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 12:38 PM To: Selector, Lev Y Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 12:25:42PM -0400, Selector, Lev Y wrote: > Ronald, > Thank you. > This was good. > Here how it was done, right? > == > > $s1 = '}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'; > $s2 = '/- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'; > $s3 = ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` '; > > $s4 = $s1 & ~$s2 | $s3; > > print "$s4\n"; Almost. The last step is actually eval $s4; I'm using the (?{}) regex syntax, as Abigail and Japhy did earlier, which evaluates the contents of the braces as Perl code. In order for this to work without use re 'eval' or equivalent, the contents of the braces have to be known at compile time. Ronald
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 12:25:42PM -0400, Selector, Lev Y wrote: > Ronald, > Thank you. > This was good. > Here how it was done, right? > == > > $s1 = '}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'; > $s2 = '/- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'; > $s3 = ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` '; > > $s4 = $s1 & ~$s2 | $s3; > > print "$s4\n"; Almost. The last step is actually eval $s4; I'm using the (?{}) regex syntax, as Abigail and Japhy did earlier, which evaluates the contents of the braces as Perl code. In order for this to work without use re 'eval' or equivalent, the contents of the braces have to be known at compile time. Ronald
RE: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
Ronald, Thank you. This was good. Here how it was done, right? == $s1 = '}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'; $s2 = '/- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'; $s3 = ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` '; $s4 = $s1 & ~$s2 | $s3; print "$s4\n"; __END__ # original splited into meaningful pieces ''=~("(?{" . ( '}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"' & ~'/- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @' | ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` ' ) . "})"); __END__ # original ''=~("(?{".('}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'& ~'/- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'| ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` ')."})"); == Warmest Regards Lev Selector ficc-oefeedback, New York, t. 212-902-3040 -Original Message- From: Ronald J Kimball [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 11:09 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers Please disregard the previous message. This one contains the correct code. (Damn KDE clipboard!) On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 11:10:09AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I have found all the JAPHs with no alphanumeric > characters both interesting and instructive. > However, none of them write to stdout, > since they all use the `$_` trick. > > This leads me to conjecture that: > > It is impossible to write a JAPH that writes to stdout > without using at least one alphanumeric character. This conclusion does not follow logically. :) > I await the refutation. Enjoy! ''=~("(?{".('}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'& ~'/- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'| ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` ')."})"); Inspired by Abigail and Japhy's recent postings. Ronald
RE: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
Whew. But is it Perl? :) ''=~("(?{".('}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'& ~'/- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'| ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` ')."})"); --- Frank Bicknell, Sysadmin Cisco Systems, Inc. (919) 392-3798 > -Original Message- > From: Ronald J Kimball [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 11:09 > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers > > > > Please disregard the previous message. This one contains the correct > code. (Damn KDE clipboard!) > > > On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 11:10:09AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > I have found all the JAPHs with no alphanumeric > > characters both interesting and instructive. > > However, none of them write to stdout, > > since they all use the `$_` trick. > > > > This leads me to conjecture that: > > > > It is impossible to write a JAPH that writes to stdout > > without using at least one alphanumeric character. > > This conclusion does not follow logically. :) > > > > I await the refutation. > > Enjoy! > > > ''=~("(?{".('}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'& > ~'/- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'| > ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` ')."})"); > > Inspired by Abigail and Japhy's recent postings. > > > Ronald >
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
Please disregard the previous message. This one contains the correct code. (Damn KDE clipboard!) On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 11:10:09AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I have found all the JAPHs with no alphanumeric > characters both interesting and instructive. > However, none of them write to stdout, > since they all use the `$_` trick. > > This leads me to conjecture that: > > It is impossible to write a JAPH that writes to stdout > without using at least one alphanumeric character. This conclusion does not follow logically. :) > I await the refutation. Enjoy! ''=~("(?{".('}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'& ~'/- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'| ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` ')."})"); Inspired by Abigail and Japhy's recent postings. Ronald
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 10:56:26AM -0400, Ronald J Kimball wrote: > ''=~("(?{".('}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'& > /- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'| > ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` ')."})"); syntax error at - line 2, near "/- + *,+ < + :- /:" Can't find string terminator "" anywhere before EOF at - line 2. ? .robin.
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 11:10:09AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I have found all the JAPHs with no alphanumeric > characters both interesting and instructive. > However, none of them write to stdout, > since they all use the `$_` trick. > > This leads me to conjecture that: > > It is impossible to write a JAPH that writes to stdout > without using at least one alphanumeric character. This conclusion does not follow logically. :) > I await the refutation. Enjoy! ''=~("(?{".('}_).} "*}_} }./}(}_ }}_, (}_+}_,*"'& /- + *,+ < + :- /:- << :- @'| ' `` @ `` ` @ ` ` ` ')."})"); Inspired by Abigail and Japhy's recent postings. Ronald
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
I have found all the JAPHs with no alphanumeric characters both interesting and instructive. However, none of them write to stdout, since they all use the `$_` trick. This leads me to conjecture that: It is impossible to write a JAPH that writes to stdout without using at least one alphanumeric character. I await the refutation. Andrew.
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Larry Shatzer wrote: > > You confused deparse, good job :o) Although it's not really that hard, particularly for older versions of B::Deparse. (The one in bleadperl deparses this just fine.) -- Ilmari Karonen - "That wasn't a cat, that was a spayed tribble." -- Thorfinn in the monastery
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Tuesday, August 14, 2001 5:31 "Michael J Assels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > Are there other ways to do it with no letters? > > What about no numbers too? > > Here's one with no letters, numbers, parentheses, brackets > or braces: > [JAPH] > > > (Unnecessary newlines added only for clarity.) > > Michael Word wrap screws this up, but try this: perl -MO=Deparse $@ = "\000"; $_ = "\cA"; $/ = "\cB"; $^ = "\cD"; $, = "\cH"; $: = ' '; $~ = "\cP"; $\ = $_ | '@'; $; = $: | $/; $_ = "\@@\@@$@$," . "\@$@$/\@@\@$@$/\@$\$\\@$@\@@$\\@@\@@$@\@@\@@$@\@@" . "\@$\\@@$,\@@$/$/" | "$@$_$/,$@$_$_$@$_$@$_$_$@$@$@$~$/" . "$~$@$@$,$,$~$@$_$/$@$@$_$/$,$@$@$_$_$/$_$/$@$,$,$@$_" | $~ . $^$~$^$@$^$^$@$^$^$,$^$@$@$/$^$~$^$@$_$^$^$^$,$^$~$@$@$^" . "$~$^$@$,$@$/$,$^$~$^$^$^$@$^" | "$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:" . $:$:$,$:$:$:$:$:$;$;$:$:$:$:$:$~$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$~" . "$;$:$:"; `$_`; syntax OK Deparse parses it okay, but output that to a file and run it sh: syntax error at line 1: `)' unexpected So, I have it print out $_ before it backticks it, this is the results... per,`%'`ed)'`aKt2t|annther`Perm`,a/*%2$. % is what is being passed to the backticks... You confused deparse, good job :o) Larry
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Robin Houston wrote: > Once upon a time, (when it was the Perl Institute) > had an occasional Perl competition. One of the winning entries > to that was a delightful JAPH-alike (it printed the author's name > IIRC) containing no alphanumeric characters. Does anyone have a > copy? I don't have a copy, unfortunately, but I remember the author's name: Peter Beebe. Michael
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 08:31:50AM -0400, Michael J Assels wrote: > > > On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > Are there other ways to do it with no letters? > > What about no numbers too? > > Here's one with no letters, numbers, parentheses, brackets > or braces: Also no whitespace. > $@='@'^'@';$_='!'&~'"';$/='"'&~'!';$^='$'&~'!';$,='*'&~'#'; > $:='$'&'"';$~='?'^'/';$\=$_|'@';$;=$:|$/;$_="\@\@\@\@$@$,". > "\@$@$/\@\@\@$@$/\@$\$\\@$@\@\@$\\@\@\@\@$@\@\@\@\@$@\@\@". > "\@$\\@\@$,\@\@$/$/"|"$@$_$/$,$@$_$_$@$_$@$_$_$@$@$@$~$/". > "$~$@$@$,$,$~$@$_$/$@$@$_$/$,$@$@$_$_$/$_$/$@$,$,$@$_"|$~. > "$^$~$^$@$^$^$@$^$^$,$^$@$@$/$^$~$^$@$_$^$^$^$,$^$~$@$@$^". > "$~$^$@$,$@$/$,$^$~$^$^$^$@$^"|"$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:". > "$:$:$,$:$:$:$:$:$;$;$:$:$:$:$:$~$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$~". > "$;$:$:";`$_` And here's another (from an old thread on FWP): $~='`';$_=$:=$~|'%';$;=$^='/'|$~;$;++;$\=$~|"'";$;++;$:.=++$;;$/=++$;;$\++;$_.= '#'|$~;$,=++$/;$_.="$\$^$\"";++$,;$_.='@'|'*'&~'!';$_.="$,$;$/$\"";$_.='!.'|$~. $~;$_.="$^$/$\$:$\"";$_.='@'|':'&~'*';$_.=$:;$_.=$^&'|';$_.=$".$\;$_.="$~$~$~"| '!#+';++$.;$.++;`$_$:,>&$.`; # Ronald J Kimball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ronald
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 03:03:33PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Are there other ways to do it with no letters? > What about no numbers too? Once upon a time, (when it was the Perl Institute) had an occasional Perl competition. One of the winning entries to that was a delightful JAPH-alike (it printed the author's name IIRC) containing no alphanumeric characters. Does anyone have a copy? Another amusing "extreme restriction" was suggested in my "Prisoners' Perl" message to fwp, which seems to have found its way into the japh file on CPAN as well. .robin. -- Flee to me, remote elf!
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Are there other ways to do it with no letters? > What about no numbers too? Here's one with no letters, numbers, parentheses, brackets or braces: $@='@'^'@';$_='!'&~'"';$/='"'&~'!';$^='$'&~'!';$,='*'&~'#'; $:='$'&'"';$~='?'^'/';$\=$_|'@';$;=$:|$/;$_="\@\@\@\@$@$,". "\@$@$/\@\@\@$@$/\@$\$\\@$@\@\@$\\@\@\@\@$@\@\@\@\@$@\@\@". "\@$\\@\@$,\@\@$/$/"|"$@$_$/$,$@$_$_$@$_$@$_$_$@$@$@$~$/". "$~$@$@$,$,$~$@$_$/$@$@$_$/$,$@$@$_$_$/$_$/$@$,$,$@$_"|$~. "$^$~$^$@$^$^$@$^$^$,$^$@$@$/$^$~$^$@$_$^$^$^$,$^$~$@$@$^". "$~$^$@$,$@$/$,$^$~$^$^$^$@$^"|"$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:". "$:$:$,$:$:$:$:$:$;$;$:$:$:$:$:$~$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$~". "$;$:$:";`$_` (Unnecessary newlines added only for clarity.) Michael
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 10:27:53AM +0200, Sven Neuhaus wrote: > Might as well write ... OpenGL to a framebuffer. That I'd love to see. -- Pretty, smart, sane:Pick two. - Ron Echeverri
Re: JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 03:03:33PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > With regard to JAPH standards: > 1) Should a JAPH write to stdout, stderr, /dev/tty > or any of these? Doesn't really matter. Might as well write postscript into a file, or OpenGL to a framebuffer. > Maybe there should be an ANSI JAPH standard. Maybe not. -Sven -- People who have no faults are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them.
JAPHs with no unsightly letters or numbers
Using Jeff Pinyan's recently posted trick, it is fairly easy to do a JAPH with no letters: 0=~"(?\173\160\162\151\156\164\040\042\112\165\163\164\040\141\156\157\164\1 50\145\162\040\120\145\162\154\040\150\141\143\153\145\162\012\042\175)" I noticed this one from Abigail on CPAN: $@="\145\143\150\157\040\042\112\165\163\164\040\141\156\157\164". "\150\145\162\040\120\145\162\154\040\110\141\143\153\145\162". "\042\040\076\040\057\144\145\166\057\164\164\171";`$@` which writes to /dev/tty. Are there other ways to do it with no letters? What about no numbers too? I have just started studying the more general-purpose Acme::Smirch module, which can do it. Does anyone have a list of JAPHs with no letters and/or no numbers? With regard to JAPH standards: 1) Should a JAPH write to stdout, stderr, /dev/tty or any of these? 2) What about rules for capitalization of the words and existence of trailing comma/newline? Maybe there should be an ANSI JAPH standard. Andrew.