Re: Japhs by SMS.

2001-08-09 Thread Ronald J Kimball

On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 04:17:36PM -0500, David L. Nicol wrote:
> Jeff 'japhy/Marillion' Pinyan wrote:
> > Why not:
> > 
> >   0=~"(?\173\LPRINT\E'J\LUST ANOTHER\E P\LERL\E H\LACKER\12'\175)";
> > 
> > 65 chars.
> Wow.  Why does binding this string to 0 cause it to get evald?

It's a regular expression match.  \173 and \175 are curly braces, so the
regex includes the (?{ }) syntax mentioned earlier.

You can use any expression as a regular expression with the binding
operator.  For example:

print "Yay!\n" if 4 =~ 2+2;


Re: Japhs by SMS.

2001-08-08 Thread Abigail

On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 03:56:23PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a tribute to John W Backus and his team of
> IBM super programmers who developed the first
> FORTRAN compiler from scratch in 1954-57,
> how about trying for a JAPH consisting
> only of valid FORTRAN 0 characters?
>  2  DO 3,8,11 J=1,11
>  3  I=11-J
> Y=SQRT(ABS(A(I+1)))+5*A(I+1)**3
> IF (400>=Y) 8,4
>  4  PRINT I,999.
> GOTO 2
>  8  PRINT I,Y
>  11 STOP
> Unfortunately, I am not sure of the valid FORTRAN 0
> character set, but I hope it does not allow lower
> case characters since that is what makes the JAPH
> interesting.

Using the same tricks as with the SMS JAPH, one can construct most,
if not all, Perl programs out at most 12 characters: the digits 0-7,
`=', `~', `\' and `"'.

But I guess that ~ isn't in FORTRAN 0, and perhaps " and \ aren't either.


Re: Japhs by SMS.

2001-08-08 Thread Andrew . Savige

In a tribute to John W Backus and his team of
IBM super programmers who developed the first
FORTRAN compiler from scratch in 1954-57,
how about trying for a JAPH consisting
only of valid FORTRAN 0 characters?


 2  DO 3,8,11 J=1,11
 3  I=11-J
IF (400>=Y) 8,4
 4  PRINT I,999.
 11 STOP

Unfortunately, I am not sure of the valid FORTRAN 0
character set, but I hope it does not allow lower
case characters since that is what makes the JAPH


Re: Japhs by SMS.

2001-08-08 Thread Bernard El-Hagin

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Kye Leslie wrote:

->>Why not:
->>   0=~"(?\173\LPRINT\E'J\LUST ANOTHER\E P\LERL\E H\LACKER\12'\175)";
->>65 chars.
->I'm not sure about the official implementation of SMS, but the ~ char
->isn't in the symbol table in my nokia phone..
->anyone else have this?

I have a ~ on my Sony CMD-J5.


Re: Japhs by SMS.

2001-08-08 Thread Juanma Barranquero

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 10:49:35 +0100, Ian Phillipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just sent myself a test message from which did, indeed,
> fail to send those prohibited characters. It also mapped '_' to '-' BTW,
> but this might be an artefact of the Genie site. My phone doesn't have '_'.

_ is char 17 (0x11) in GSM 03.38.

But many SMS-sending sites do horrible things to messages. They
usually do some kind of non-standard ISO-8859-1 to GSM translation
where accented chars are lost, etc. They also do things like mapping
[{}] into (()), and  «» to <<>>, for example.

I'm currently programming a SMS sending service for my company
(, so I'm a bit touchy about those issues :-)


Re: Japhs by SMS.

2001-08-08 Thread Ian Phillipps

On Wed, 08 Aug 2001 at 09:29:35 +0200, Juanma Barranquero wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Aug 2001 13:15:11 +0800, Kye Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> According to GSM 03.38, "Digital cellular telecommunications system 
> (Phase 2+); Alphabets and language-specific information", section
> 6.2.1, "Default alphabet", the default 7-bit alphabet available in SMS
> messages does not include the following usual characters: ~^\|[]{}

> OTOH, it does include lowercase letters, so I suppose the restrictions
> in the challenge are arbitrary...

I was going to say that apart from one early example, I've not seen a
GSM phone which *doesn't* do lowercase. Sometimes it's not obvious - on
my phone you hold down a letter key for a while and it changes case.

I just sent myself a test message from which did, indeed,
fail to send those prohibited characters. It also mapped '_' to '-' BTW,
but this might be an artefact of the Genie site. My phone doesn't have '_'.

So, the real SMS japh is: print 'Just another Perl hacker,'
...although maybe this can be shortened?


Re: Japhs by SMS.

2001-08-08 Thread Juanma Barranquero

On Wed, 08 Aug 2001 13:15:11 +0800, Kye Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm not sure about the official implementation of SMS, but the ~ char
> isn't in the symbol table in my nokia phone..

According to GSM 03.38, "Digital cellular telecommunications system 
(Phase 2+); Alphabets and language-specific information", section
6.2.1, "Default alphabet", the default 7-bit alphabet available in SMS
messages does not include the following usual characters: ~^\|[]{}

OTOH, it does include lowercase letters, so I suppose the restrictions
in the challenge are arbitrary...


Re: Japhs by SMS.

2001-08-07 Thread Kye Leslie

>Why not:
>   0=~"(?\173\LPRINT\E'J\LUST ANOTHER\E P\LERL\E H\LACKER\12'\175)";
>65 chars.

I'm not sure about the official implementation of SMS, but the ~ char
isn't in the symbol table in my nokia phone..
anyone else have this?


  Kye Leslie: Helpdesk Officer
  - Need some help? -

Re: Japhs by SMS.

2001-08-07 Thread Jeff 'japhy/Marillion' Pinyan

On Aug 8, Abigail said:

>On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 01:26:07AM +0200, Abigail wrote:
>> So Merijn and I came quickly with similar Japhs:
>And this can be done in less than 80 characters too:
>BEGIN{$^H=1<<21}$_="(?{\LPRINT\E'J\LUST ANOTHER\E P\LERL\E H\LACKER\12'})";/$_/

Why not:

  0=~"(?\173\LPRINT\E'J\LUST ANOTHER\E P\LERL\E H\LACKER\12'\175)";

65 chars.

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for "Regular Expressions in Perl" published by Manning, in 2002 **

Re: Japhs by SMS.

2001-08-07 Thread Abigail

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 01:26:07AM +0200, Abigail wrote:
> So Merijn and I came quickly with similar Japhs:

And this can be done in less than 80 characters too:

BEGIN{$^H=1<<21}$_="(?{\LPRINT\E'J\LUST ANOTHER\E P\LERL\E H\LACKER\12'})";/$_/
