I've got a Rev 1 B&W I received for a song, and I'm a little confused
about its hard drive controller issues.  It seems, after some Googling
around here and xlr8yourmac, like the slave on the fast controller is
always bad news, and that occasionally even the single HD on that
controller can become corrupted.

Is there anything wrong with following the advice here:

... but having that slave hard drive in the zip slot being my boot
drive?  Let's go ahead and assume I don't care about hard drive speed
at all.  Anything wrong (or better?) with putting the HD on master and
moving the optical drive to slave?

As far as I can tell, PCI card controllers are too expensive to
consider for this box.  I could buy a much newer computer for the
price of the card.  So I need to find the cheapest (ie, "creative")
solution to keep this thing from getting its data corrupted if I want
to get it up and running productively.

I do vaguely recall thinking that using Yellow Dog sidestepped some of
the driver issues, but I can't find that now.  I'd be happy with a
Linux B&W, if that's any safer.



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