On 12/2/08 6:47 AM, "Chris N" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks,
> I've been having some external firewire 400 drive issues.  The drives are OWC
> Mercury Elite-AL Pro drives - I also have a ministack running off of Firewire
> 400 and while that has its own issues it does not present this problem.  What
> seems to happen is that when the drive sleeps, or is inactive for a while, it
> takes an inordinate amount of time to wake.

1.  Is Energy Saver set to shut down hard drives when possible?  If so, ten
uncheck that.

2.  Do the drives have an auto-power button setting versus an always-on
option?  Because my LaCie have this, and if so- switch it to always on...

I have not heard of "firmware" updates for most hard drives but it's also
something to investigate.

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