On Nov 24, 8:49 am, Dennis Myhand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Norm Rowe wrote:
>>> > > OS 10.5.5 on PPC mac. Have a Compaq Laptop with win vista. I know but my
>>> > > wife loves windoz. The lap top was sent in for repairs and came back
>>> > > with Vista reloaded and all her stuff gone. I use to be able to access
>>> > > her pc from my mac. Found that the ip address was changed. Under network
>>> > > her pc does not show up. If I click on "connect to" with the new ip
>>> > > address I'm asked for administrator user name and password. Nothing I
>>> > > put in works.  I do not know much about vista. Any one know how to set
>>> > > this up?
>>> > > The use of no password does not work. I use to see my son in laws pc and
>>> > > the neighbors.  I see nothing now. I had some other problems so I did a
>>> > > fresh install of OS 10.5.5 and do not know if this messed up something.
>>> > > I have renewed the dhcp lease several times in network the  system
>>> > > prefs.  I do have work group listed and and the correct dns number. I
>>> > > have sharing turned on and the firewall set to accept all incoming. Any
>>> > > other ideas?
I'm not sure HOW you're trying to connect but you have to share individual
folders also, so do that if you're not.

You might want to "RUN..." Services.msc or look at services under MMC
console and make sure that Remote connection manager and other remote and
network services are all "started" and "automatic"...  I assume that
terminal services is on- not sure if it's needed but it seems needed for
most network connections...

You might also want to consider that maybe Vista disallows NOT having a
password on a folder or computer and so maye you NEED to et up a password
when you don't have one- remember that the Mac does this for certain
programs, like Leopard Cache Cleaner or OnyX- one of those programs will
only work with n admin account that has a non-blank password.

If all elses fails you can install VNC client and server on all machines and
use that, or use remote desktop sharing.

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