> Ways to clean up old Macs, environmentally.
> 1 way to clean up an old Mac is to recycle a CRT monitor, and buy an
> LCD, especially a LED backed LCD.
> another way to do it is to upgrade to new/newer environmentally clean
> Macs.
> or at replace components with environmentally cleaner ones.
> for those who knows how to tinker with older Macs and it's hardware,
> and have G3 iMacs, or eMacs. you could gut the CRT and re-finish the
> Mac with an LCD display, just make sure the LCD matches the size of
> the CRT you're replacing.
> for my iMac G3 400, I knock off 20 Lbs & most lead by using a 13" LCD
> in place of 13" CRT.

One project i’ve seen done is an ‘all-in-one’ Mac using a CRT monitor
casing. it's done by  removing the actual tube and replacing it with
the LCD screen from a dead ibook. a Motherboard/CPU from a shell
broken G4 Quicksilver, HDD , DVD RWs etc could then all be mounted
internal to the CRT case, behind the LCD,
i have to admit, some of the crt cases i’ve seen have looked really
nice (mainly the beige).
alternatively, from the new crt monitors i’ve had open, there is
usually a bit of free space. how about mounting a Mac mini board in
the crt casing?


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