Re: Strange Mac showing up on Shared list

2011-07-06 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Jul 6, 2011, at 3:07 PM, Jane, (Portland, OR) wrote:

> I downloaded iStumbler, thinking I could find out more about this
> intruder. However, macd49a20b8ac90 does not show up.

iStumbler does not do this. iStumbler finds wireless networks, not clients.

That string looks suspiciously like a MAC address: macd49a20b8ac90, normally 
written like : d4:9a:20:b8:ac:90

You need to connect to your WiFi router via it's admin interface,and see what 
devices are connected, when you can see this weird Mac.

If it is an interloper I'll wager that you'll see that MAC address.

If you only see your macs while it's connected, then this is some odd thing 
being generated by one of your macs, perhaps a different network service, like 
a VNC server, since computer sharing does both VNC and Apple Remote Desktop. If 
a VNC server is running on one of the Macs, you'll see two sharing entries for 
one Mac.

I'd check to see if it's the ethernet or airport ID of any of your existing 

Could it be that one or the other of your macs is connected to your LAN via two 
interfaces: airport and ethernet? 

Depending on your wireless router the ethernet and the wifi connections may 
show all together in one screen or in different parts of the interface; one for 
wireless connected devices and one for wired.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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Strange Mac showing up on Shared list

2011-07-06 Thread Jane, (Portland, OR)
Stats: PowerBook G4 (10.4); MacBook Pro (10.5); iMac (10.6)

I have enabled Sharing with all 3 Macs. When I open the Finder window,
the sidebar shows a list of computers under Shared. Since I use the
iMac most, I see the MBP and PB. BUT another Mac has shown up! It is
listed as macd49a20b8ac90. I have no idea who/what this computer is!
I did a Get Info and the icon of an older screened Mac shows up and no
other info. This invader is not always listed, as I thought it might
be tied to the MBP or PB.

I downloaded iStumbler, thinking I could find out more about this
intruder. However, macd49a20b8ac90 does not show up. iStumbler has has
5 listings in the sidebar:
Airport (shows my network and my neighbor's Windows network),
Bluetooth (shows my mouse and MBP);
Bonjour (shows local> jane_sprandos-macbook-pro, G4PowerBook and
Jane's-Intel-iMac)  does NOT show anything about macd49a20b8ac90,
Location (shows my network and neighbors)
Log (does not show anything macd49a20b8ac90)

Can anyone tell me who, what, where, how, or why this Mac is showing


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Re: "Connect as" vs. Screen Sharing to drag files between Macs

2011-07-06 Thread Jane, (Portland, OR)
On Jun 27, 11:38 am, "Jane, (Portland, OR)" 
> I am trying to drag some files from 1 Mac to another. I thought Screen
> Sharing would be ideal for that. But, I was not able to drag the files
> from the shared screen Mac to the original Mac. Is there a specific
> procedure for this? Do I need to press a specific key?
> I know that I can drag files with  "Connect as" and the Network. But
> for some reason, I can't connect that way.
> Jane

I discovered the problem was Norton's Firewall. Comcast --- now
Xfinity--- had installed it for their cable users. I had enabled it
when I set up LogMeIn. Do I need the Firewall for LogmeIn?


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Re: Mysterious communications between two G5s

2011-07-06 Thread Clark Martin

On Jul 6, 2011, at 10:34 AM, Tom wrote:

> Thanks to everybody; you're teaching me a lot about networking. It
> appears that I've had a LAN for a couple of years now without knowing
> about it. I thought this was just a fancy DSL modem that could
> wirelessly allow another computer in the house to surf the Net.

As I think Bruce pointed out, pretty much anytime you have two computers 
connected together to the Internet you have a LAN.

> I got out my "Mac OS-X Leopard Missing Manual" by David Pogue to see
> what he says about wireless networking, and the book told me how to
> turn on file sharing, and lo and behold, these two Macs can see each
> other's files. And the Mac in the next room can print on the printer
> attached to the first one. Wish I'd known that a long time ago,
> because countless times we've brought documents over on a flash drive
> from the second computer to the first one in order to print them, when
> all we had to do (had we known) was turn on printer sharing and print
> the docs directly. Sheesh. Ignorance is bliss, and stupid too.

I've been doing this (file sharing at least) since 1989 when I set up my IIsi & 
Mac Plus using LocalTalk.  

> If the second computer hadn't thrown up a message saying that it
> wouldn't run Final Cut because the first computer was already running
> it, I never would have known that they were networked. (About that, by
> the way, I bought this early version of Final Cut Studio off Ebay a
> few years ago, and I figure I should be able to run it on any Mac I
> have in my own home. Guess Apple has other ideas. Anyway, the point is
> moot: Apple just discontinued Final Cut Studio, so it's obsolete now).

If it FCS works it's not obsolete.

You should be able to use the software on both machines, just as long as it's 
only running on one at a time.  When you quit the app on one machine it no 
longer announces itself on the network so the other machine won't see it and 
won't complain about it.

> Now I'm wondering about security for this LAN. We live out in the
> country, and the nearest neighbor's house is hundreds of feet away, so
> I doubt anyone is eavesdropping on our network. But if there are
> firewalls and passwords, I'll attend to them, once I learn how (back
> to Pogue).
> Bruce, I don't understand how I might 'open the "modem" with a
> browser' to learn more about it. If you explain that I'll give it a
> try. I'm running both Safari and Firefox, but I don't see anything in
> their menus related to modems.

Open System Preferences / Network, click on Airport or Ethernet as appropriate 
(which ever is "Connected"), then Click on "Advanced...", then the "TCP/IP" 
Tab.  Copy the number after "Router:" (usually or into the address box in Safari, etc. and press return.  This 
should open a web page from the router / modem.  Most likely you'll need to 
enter a username and password.  For many devices you can find the default 
entries for these at the manufacturers web site.  If it was set up by someone 
(the DSL installer) you may have trouble finding it.  You can probably reset it 
(also from the manf. website) to the defaults but doing so will reset all the 
router settings which may render it inoperative.  

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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Re: Will all serial to usb adapters work in OS X?

2011-07-06 Thread Kris Tilford

On Jul 6, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Jeffrey Engle wrote:

Will all serial to USB adapters "Just work" in OS X (Tiger)??

Since many adapters need extensions provided by their manufacturer,  
for example, the common Prolific Logic PL-2303 used for USB-to-serial  
mobile phone cables; or the FTDI FT232 USB-to-serial chip used in many  
PS2/DIN9 serial adapters, it would seem evident the answer is "no".  
However, I may be talking about the reverse of what you're asking  
about, I'm talking about USB-to-serial (from USB port on Mac to serial  
adapter), and you said serial-to-USB (serial port on Mac to USB port)  
which I've never seen.

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Re: Startup Sequence

2011-07-06 Thread Iamanamma

> Try deleting "Appleshare Prep" in the preferences folder.

AND Jeff wins the prize!

To answer some other questions throughout this topic: yes, I do have
several beige G3 units saved as backup units, as well as a couple of
IIci (NOT easy to find in working condition any more) and a couple of
IIsi.  The G3s are where we program, we transfer the programs via
Appletalk to the IIci and IIsi to run the turrets.  I'm always looking
for more of all three Macs, as well as working comm cards, cache
cards, etc.

The dongles we have to use connect via ribbon cable to the comm card
ports on the back of the IIsi and IIci.  They may not be what most
people consider "dongles," but that's what the manufacturer calls
them.  They're not on the G3s, and that's a topic for another
discussion on another list.

Bruce, thanks for the advice on possible finding someone who could
update the program for newer machines.  As IIci  and IIsi get harder
to find, my boss might have some interest in that.

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Re: Mysterious communications between two G5s

2011-07-06 Thread Doug McNutt
At 10:34 -0700 7/6/11, Tom wrote:
>Bruce, I don't understand how I might 'open the "modem" with a
>browser' to learn more about it. If you explain that I'll give it a
>try. I'm running both Safari and Firefox, but I don't see anything in
>their menus related to modems.

Some common numbers are and They depend on the 
manufacturer of the modem/router.

Somebody, perhaps an install disk, has set your computer to use the router at 
that address.

If you open Network control panel - er select Network in the System Preferences 
option - you may be able to find the exact address.  You might have to choose 
to edit the settings in order to see the numbers. There WILL be a way out 
without changing anything. The proper number ought to be in some paperwork that 
came with your broadband installation. You might also check the web site of 
whoever supplies your connection and sends you a bill.

When you have the proper address, or perhaps by trying a few options just type 
the likes of:

in your browser as an address to go to.

You might also try typing:

netstat -nr

 in The default line should show the address you're looking for.


--> The U. S. Census Bureau missed a bet by not counting all of those embryos 
in cold storage. <--

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Re: Mysterious communications between two G5s

2011-07-06 Thread Tom
Thanks to everybody; you're teaching me a lot about networking. It
appears that I've had a LAN for a couple of years now without knowing
about it. I thought this was just a fancy DSL modem that could
wirelessly allow another computer in the house to surf the Net.

I got out my "Mac OS-X Leopard Missing Manual" by David Pogue to see
what he says about wireless networking, and the book told me how to
turn on file sharing, and lo and behold, these two Macs can see each
other's files. And the Mac in the next room can print on the printer
attached to the first one. Wish I'd known that a long time ago,
because countless times we've brought documents over on a flash drive
from the second computer to the first one in order to print them, when
all we had to do (had we known) was turn on printer sharing and print
the docs directly. Sheesh. Ignorance is bliss, and stupid too.

If the second computer hadn't thrown up a message saying that it
wouldn't run Final Cut because the first computer was already running
it, I never would have known that they were networked. (About that, by
the way, I bought this early version of Final Cut Studio off Ebay a
few years ago, and I figure I should be able to run it on any Mac I
have in my own home. Guess Apple has other ideas. Anyway, the point is
moot: Apple just discontinued Final Cut Studio, so it's obsolete now).

Now I'm wondering about security for this LAN. We live out in the
country, and the nearest neighbor's house is hundreds of feet away, so
I doubt anyone is eavesdropping on our network. But if there are
firewalls and passwords, I'll attend to them, once I learn how (back
to Pogue).

Bruce, I don't understand how I might 'open the "modem" with a
browser' to learn more about it. If you explain that I'll give it a
try. I'm running both Safari and Firefox, but I don't see anything in
their menus related to modems.

Thanks again everybody.


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Re: Curious external login

2011-07-06 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Jul 6, 2011, at 9:40 AM, Doug McNutt wrote:

> Somehow the mount operation asked for by the 8500 managed to do that. I don't 
> think that ought to be the case. There are others in the house whom I trust 
> but that might not be the case all of the time.  The G4 could have been 
> located far away. Does anyone know about this feature? Is it intentional? Is 
> it that way for more modern OS versions?

I know for a fact that this is not the case for 10.6.

On Friday I set my work machine to run an update and restarted it; this weekend 
I connected to it via file sharing on the 4th, and when I got in yesterday, my 
work system was still sitting at the login prompt. (Actually, I thought we'd 
had a power failure until I remembered setting it to update when I left)

This is very odd, I don't recall it working that way, ever, actually..these are 
two completely different OS subsystems at work here: file sharing and window 
manager login.

There's no way screen sharing is going on? That's the only way I could think a 
remote system could log you in 'on the console' so to speak.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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Will all serial to usb adapters work in OS X?

2011-07-06 Thread Jeffrey Engle
Will all serial to USB adapters "Just work" in OS X (Tiger)??

Jeffrey Engle
Kamiah, Idaho 83536

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Curious external login

2011-07-06 Thread Doug McNutt
 A few weeks ago, on this 8500 with a G3 in it and under OS 9.1, I placed an 
alias to a a disk on my G4 into  "System Folder:Startup Items:"   The G4 is 
running OS 10.3.9.  Actually I was testing something. It's not the way I 
usually operate. But I do shut my machines down at night.

This morning I powered the machines up and got distracted.  I usually log in to 
the G4 first because that machine is faster in the boot process. But this 
morning I got to the 8500 first and it was asking for a username and password 
before opening the disk on the G4.

So I typed them in and poked the enter key. Without watching I moved across the 
room and the G4 machine expecting to log in there too. 

I was already logged in!  My regular start-ups, BBedit and Terminal, were 
running, SSH_AGENT was active and asking me to unlock my keys in a Terminal 

Somehow the mount operation asked for by the 8500 managed to do that. I don't 
think that ought to be the case. There are others in the house whom I trust but 
that might not be the case all of the time.  The G4 could have been located far 
away. Does anyone know about this feature? Is it intentional? Is it that way 
for more modern OS versions?

1801 - Joseph Marie Jacquard uses punch cards to instruct a loom to weave 
"hello, world" into a tapestry.

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Re: Painter X question

2011-07-06 Thread PAR
Thanks to all who responded.
I was unable to get Painter X working again in OSX on my Quicksilver
until I installed a new copy of OSX on my machine. Once I did, Painter
X installed and works fine. Apparently some kind of software/
configuration change happened I was not able to figure out.

Paul Riemerman

On Jul 3, 10:05 am, PAR  wrote:
> I have Corel Painter X installed on my Quicksilver 2002 running OSX
> 10.4 with a 933 Mhz single processor. Recently my machine stopped
> allowing me to run Painter, giving me the message "This copy of
> Painter has been damaged or lllegally modified. Please install from
> your original disks."
> My copy is is legal download copy, with my key provided personally by
> Corel. Anyone know how I can solve the problem so I can run Painter
> again?
> Paul Riemerman

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