Dear value readers,

Get 10 in 1 click ?  Get info beside ordering the wedding package such as 
catering, make-up, fotograph  and bussiness info by only clicking my mail.

If you are trying to search for :

1- any function catering
2- Make-up for groom
3- on-line business
4- Foto shoot
5- Top up agent
6- construction
7- Piping
8- typing paper work
9- Special in karipap maker
10- We can cook for wedding function

Get the special promotion from today to 15th February . 
The most popular "Karipap Galoh" recipe.  Special offer if order "Karipap 
Galoh" more than RM100.00 this week.

Contact us as below :
Tel : 0177429938
email :


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