Welcome to the 5x25 Forced Martix
  Take a look, how can you turn $0,50 into $1 017 252,50 in just few weeks 
width this 5x25 Forced Matrix .
               Your Level
     New Members
    Potential Earnings 
       Level 1
       Level 2
     25 x 25
       Level 3
     25 x 25 x 25
    $1 562,50 
       Level 4
     25 x 25 x 25 x 25
    $39 062,50 
       Level 5
     25 x 25 x 25 x 25 x 25
    $976 562,50 
      Total: $1 017 252,50 
      All you have to do is follow 3 simple steps:
  1.     Sign up to open an account. 
  2.     Spend $0.10 to each of your sponsors ($0.50 total). 
  3.     Promote this site using your referral link. 
  After you sign-up and spent $0.10 each to 5 sponsors, you'll get a referral 
link to this site which your name now becomes the top sponsor. Consequently, 
the other sponsors go down one level each and the 5th level sponsor will be 
deleted from the list.
  Because this is a forced 5x25 matrix, your 26th new member will be redirected 
to your downline's referral site.
  Join Now and You’ll See The TRUTH!!!
 Support the World Aids Awareness campaign this month with Yahoo! for Good

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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