[gaidhlig-gu-leor] Mime-Version: 1.0

2001-02-08 Thread richards

Hallo  a huile duine,

Tha mise ann cuideachd.

Tha an t-side gabhaidh a-muigh. Tha i a'cur sneachda.
The weather is terrible out. It's snowing.

Tha mi trang agus bha mi tinn.
I am busy and I was sick.

Tha casad gabhaidh orm.
I have a bad cough.

Tha mi beo co dhuibh! *grin*
I am alive anyway!


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Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Mime-Version: 1.0

2000-11-22 Thread richards

Moran taing, a Sheonag

Please translate this word for word.Is it:

Feumaidh mi falbh an obair agam a dhèanamh.
Must I go the work at me doing...
( I must go do my work)

I believe this is an example the dreaded 'inverted nominal'

*grin*   ahthe inverted nominalI don't think I've run across 
this before ( in Gaelic...or in English)...have I?...she says, puzzled ...

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Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Mime-Version: 1.0

2000-11-22 Thread richards

Hallo a Shiuisaidh,

At 10:11 PM 11/21/00 -0700, you wrote:
Am bheil ban-tidsear a th' annad?
Are you a teacher?

Tha,tha i ban-tidsear a th' annam.
Yes, I am a teacher.

De\ "grade" a tha thu a' teagasg?
What grade do you teach?

Tha mi a' teagasg *grade* ceithir.
I teach grade 4.

Tha na h-oileanaich fichead 'sa sia aig an clas agam .
I have 26 students in my class.

Tha mi-fhi/n a' teagasg aig an a\rd-sgoil beag.
I am teaching at a small high school.

De na cuspairean a tha thu a'teasasg aig an ard-sgoil.
What subjects do you teach at the highschool?


PS I don't have an answer to your question about the use of *rapach no salach*
except that we do use messy,untidy and also dirty to mean slightly 
different things I suppose.
I wondered when I used it if rapach was ok to use with a house because the 
context in which I saw it was about the weather.

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Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] biadh Gàidhlealach

2000-11-07 Thread richards

Hallo a Sheonag agus a h-uile duine,

At 10:18 AM 11/7/00 -0500, you wrote:
Rinn mi bùth-obrach còcaireachd anns a' clas Gàidhlig Di - Sathairne.
(Did me shop-of work cooking in the class Gaelic Saturday
(I did a cooking workshop in Gaelic class Saturday)

Bha e math, nach robh, Eilidh?
(Was it good, was it not Ellen
(it was good, was it not, Ellen?)

Bha, bha an fuarag math. Bha e gle mhath!!
Yes, the fuarag was good. It was very good.

Bha sinn spors.
We had fun.

Bha sinn a'mealtainn an fuarag agus bha sinn a'mealtainn  an Drambuie,
We enjoyed (were enjoying) the fuarag and we enjoyed the Drambuie,

agus bha i (before noon) cuideachd!!!
.and it was before noon too!!!

Ach bha i a'mhain boinne beag no dha gun robh ann an furarag
But it was only a little drop or two that was in the fuarag.

Cha robh sinn gorach,.*grin*
  We were not silly

(cuir ceart,moran taing)


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Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Getting together with kindred spirits.

2000-10-25 Thread richards

At 06:24 PM 10/26/00 -0400, you wrote:

Hai a Leslie,

Tha mi an dochas gu bheil thu a' faicinn Di-Sathurna!

I hope to see you on Saturday! ( at least that 's what I am trying to 


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[gaidhlig-gu-leor] Mime-Version: 1.0

2000-10-12 Thread richards

Hallo a Eideard agus a h uile duine,

Eideard, you wrote:
"'S e latha eile a th'ann a- maireach."

So..Bidh mi a' feuchainn:

  Dh fhon thu e gu luath.
( Did I say...You answered it quickly)?
  Fhonadh sinn fon.
We are answering the phone.

  Dh'ionnsaich iad  an danns nuadh.
They learned a new dance.

Ionnsachadh mi na nithean nuadh  a h-uile latha.
I am learning new things every day.

Cuir ceart, moran taing,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Mime-Version: 1.0

2000-10-12 Thread richards

At 04:42 PM 10/13/00 -0400, you wrote:

Moran taing, Eideard,

Bidh mi a' feuchainn a rithis:

Dh fhon iad an taigh.
They phoned the house.

  Am bheil thu a' fonadh an sgoil?
   Are you phoning the school?

  Dh'ionnsaich sibh na orain snog .
  You learned pretty songs.

Tha sinn a' ionnsachadh seinn oran Ghaidhlig.
We are learning to sing Gaelic songs.

Sheinn caileag ann an ceilidh.
The girl sang at the gathering.

Chan eil sinn a' seinn an nochd
We are not singing tonight.


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[gaidhlig-gu-leor] anns a Bheurla

2000-10-12 Thread richards

Hello Eideard, I have no idea what those lines are on my other posts except 
that there is something in the subject line at my end that says mime 
version. My e-mail is a new updated version with all kinds of whistles and 
bells that I have no idea how to use. I probably hit some key or other and 
ended up with those lines. If anyone else knows what is happening or what I 
am possibly doing I'd appreciate computer assistance..moran taing!
Thanks for the Gaelic exercises, Eideard, as well as the help doing them.

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Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Gni\omhairean a-rithist

2000-10-10 Thread richards

Hallo a Eideard
Bidh mi a feuchainn an cialltradh no dha.
(I will try a sentence or two)

Tha mi a'dunadh leabhar agam.
( I am closing my book)

  Dhuin mi an uinneag..
( I closed my book.)

Cuir ceart,ma s e ur toil e. Moran taing.


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