Tapadh leat a Sheo\nag,

Bha eagal orm gun robh sin ceart.
I was afraid that that was right.
(I wanted to say, I was afraid that was the case, but the Gaelic isn't
there....tha mi duilich).

>From: Janice Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] FWD: web browser in Gaelic!
>Date: Sun, Mar 25, 2001, 1:28 AM

>ednsue wrote:
>> Hallo a h-uile duine,
>> Am bheil neach sam bidh a' cleachdadh iMac leis am browser seo?
>> Is anyone using an iMac with this browser?
>> I tried to download/install the Opera 5 in Gaelic on my iMac and didn't have
>> any luck although it did say that it was available for Macs...has anyone had
>> any success doing it yet?
>> Tapadh leibh.
>> Siu\saidh
>Hallo a Shiusaidh,
>Chan eil Opera Ga\idhlig airson Macs fhathast. Tha mi a' cleachdadh
>Opera le Pentium aig mo mhac. Tha imac agam cuideachd.
>Gaelic Opera isn't for Macs yet. I am using Opera with my son's Pentium.
>I have an iMac too. 
>"Tìr gun chànan, tìr gun anam."
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