Hallo a h-uile duine,

Fhuair mi fiosrachadh o chionn ghoirid air "An Comunn Ga\idhealtach, America 13th 
Annual Mo\d.
I received information recently about "ACGA 13th Annual Mod."

Tha sin u\idheil.
It is interesting.

Tha "Mail-In Mo\d" ann cuideachd.
There is also a "Mail-In Mod."

Gabhaibh mo leisgeul airson na Beurla:
Excuse me for the English:

Competitors may choose their levels:
Beginner: New competitor, new student of Gaelic
Intermediate: Placed 1st or 2nd in a Gaelic competition, OR studied 2 years or more, 
OR good bsic knowledge of the language
Advanced: Placed 1st in 2 Mod competitions or categories OR studied for more than 4 
years OR extensive knowledge of the language.

Competition is in (a) Rosg: Prose Mail-In:  Entrants translate a required text into 
English and record a reading of the spoken text in Gaelic.  Also write a required 
composition. (For beginners this may be a postcard type of composition)
(b) Bardach: Original Poem (Mail-In):  Entrants must complete the prose mail in  mod 
and have written an original poem in Gaelic to be submitted by mail with an English 

Fees: $23 which includes a text and tape with booklet (cost for tape and booklet is 
$15) with no additional fee for the original poem.  Catriona Parsons has creatd this 
tape and booklet which contains "an outstanding collection of songs, poetry and prose 
passages in Gaelic, selected, sung and beautifully translated by Catriona...."

Deadline is July 22 with additional $5 fee for late entries

My understanding is that it's open to non-members. Donald Angus MacKinnon is the 
Registrar:  Phone is 914-221-9404 and email is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Perhaps since time is 
running out one could get a form through email.  

Entries don't have to be submitted until Aug. 15.

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