Madainn mhath a h-uile duine:

   Tha mi aig an taigh a rithist, agus le coimpiutair agam fhein, agus
cha bhi tuilleadh trì stràcan anns an litreachadh.
     I am back at home, with my own computer, and there won't be three
slashes in the spellings any more.
   Seònag choir, fhuair mi an rudan a chuir thu thugam.  Mile taing, a
charaid.  Bith mi a' toirt iad do na chlas diardaoin.  Agus co-latha
breith sona dhut (a bit late).
      Janice, I got the things you sent to me.  A thousand thanks,
friend.  I will be taking them to the class Thursday.  And happy
birthday to you.
   Holly, a bheil Beurla-leathann agam?  Cait' an robh thu nuair
dh'iarraidh mi fear eigin a bhith 'gam chuideachaidh leatha.
       Holly, do you speak Scots?  Where were you when I wanted someone
to help me with it?  

   Uill, feumaidh mi falbh air an obair agam a-nis.  

Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-----

   Measar an t-amadan glic ma chumas e theanga.
      The fool can pass for wise if he holds his tongue.
             --Gaelic proverb
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