Title: Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] resource stuff
Hallo Aonghais 's a h-uile duine,

Tapadh leat airson do fhreagairt.
Thank you for your answer.

Dhiochumhnich mi...
I forgot...

Also the Bible is excellent (although difficult and challenging)...a Gaelic Bible on one hand and the King James on the other works well.  Can't say I've even got through Genesis yet, but it's been interesting.

Another source that I've been using and forgot to mention is a tape and collection of true stories called "Sgeulachdan a Seisiadar."  My teacher has lent me his copy and I've been having a great time listening to the tapes and translating the stories.  There is an English translation for each story, but it's far from "literal," so it's good practice to go through and "attempt" to translate myself - and then I have the other translation if I end up way out in another world.  ISBN l 872598 02 1  Might be available through the Gaelic Books Council since they're listed as "gave grant assistance"...  It was published in Scotland in 1990 by Bill Lawson Publications, Northton, Isle of Harris.  Written by Chris and Bill Lawson.

Tapadh leat a rithist.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Angus MacLeod)
Subject: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] resource stuff
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 14:02:44 -0300


ednsue wrote:
The kind of things you're looking for are, in my limited experience, difficult to find but really helpful.  If others have any other resources, maybe they would share...???

A Shiùsaidh 's a h-uile duine,

A magazine from Scotland called "Cothrom" might be helpful, although the Gaelic that is in the one issue I have of it deals with many different subjects, is quite deep, and might be a bit intimidating to a beginner. A tape comes with each issue, but I don't have the tape for my issue, so I can't comment on that.

One resource that is often overlooked is the local library. Often libraries have access to books from other libraries, so even if there's a Gaelic book in the general area you could get it. I've been surprised at the number of Gaelic books in unlikely places. A student at the Gaelic College who took one class of Gaelic last summer, kept up her studies through the winter in Ottawa mostly through what she could find in the local libraries. She made remarkable progress. There are also archival resources at the Smithsonian, and I'm sure at other places. Many archives will allow you to make copies unless the material is really old, fragile, and/or of great value. I have no idea what might be available in your particular area, but maybe it's worth a look?

Le meas,

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