Hai a Sheonag 's a h-uile duine,

Sgri\obh thu (you wrote) :

Hallo a h-uile duine!

>Bidh Latha Buideachais ann ann an Canada an deireadh na seachdain seo,
>It will be Thanksgiving in Canada this weekend.

Bithidh, gu dearbh. Agus bidh sinn uile a' gabhail eun-Frangach  's pai 
"pumpkin" gu leo\r, tha mi 'n do\chas. Agus na di\ochuimhnichibh taing a 
thoir !.
Yes, indeed. And we all will be having enough turkey and pumpkin pie, I 
hope. And don't forget to give thanks !

(Angus - do they have a word for pumpkin down your way?)

>Agus bidh saor-latha ann anns Na Stàitean Aonaichte cuideachd- Columbus Day.
>And it will be a holiday in the United States too - Columbus Day
>Tha mi an dochas gun c̣rdidh an saor-latha ruibh!
>I hope you will enjoy the holiday!

Agus thu fhe\in, a Sheonag, tapadh leat airson do dhu\rachdan.
And you yourself, Janice, thanks for your wishes.

Sla\n leibh,


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