Please see below the information which reached us today.

Doctoral or Post-Doctoral Stipend Offer (24 months)
> The European Advanced Training Network "Women in
> European Universities"  is
> offering a 24 month stipend (1500 Euros/month) to a
> suitably qualified
> doctoral or post-doctoral student.
> The Network includes partners from 7 European
> countries (Austria, France,
> Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) and
> provides advanced level
> training in social science methods, based on the
> students participation in a
> qualitative and quantitative study of the career
> paths of women academics in
> each national higher education system. The project
> requires some former
> experience of quantitative (questionnaire) and/or
> qualitative (case study
> and interview) research methods.
> Since the position will be principally located in
> Toulouse (France) and
> London (UK), willingness and ability to travel
> between these two countries
> during the two years of the contract is of vital
> importance.
> According to the EU rules governing Advanced
> Training Networks, the
> candidate must be of European nationality (including
> from one of the former
> Eastern bloc EU candidate states), but should
> **not** be of French
> nationality or have resided in France for more than
> a year preceding her /
> his recruitment to the project.
> We are looking for a person (male or female)
> -       who has an excellent command of English
> -       who is able to communicate in French or who
> is willing to undertake an
> intensive French language course at the beginning of
> the contract.
> -       who is registered for a PhD or equivalent
> doctoral degree or who has
> recently submitted a doctoral thesis
> -       who has an ability to work autonomously and
> to produce written research
> reports to high international academic standards
> -       who has some research experience on gender
> issues and/or has a good
> knowledge of European higher education systems or
> policies
> -       who is prepared to be based in France
> (Toulouse), but with prolonged
> periods of work in the UK (London area)
> -       who is eager to receive further work
> experience and training in
> qualitative and quantitative methods and research
> -       who is ready to work in collaboration with
> the other doctoral students
> from different national and disciplinary backgrounds
> and with the other
> network participants
> Start : December 1st 2001
> End : Summer / Fall 2003
> Stipend: 1.500 Euro/month
> Further details can be obtained from the project web
> site or
> from the Network coordinator :
> Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer
> Institut für Politikwissenschaft
> Scharnhorststr. 100
> 48151 Münster
> If you are interested in this position, please send
> an application and
> detailed CV to the coordinator, with copies to the
> UK and French partners :

United Nations INSTRAW
Tel: (809) 685-2111
Fax: (809) 685-2117

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