-----Original Message-----
From: Dorothy Okello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2002 10:19 AM
To: Update Newsletter :
Subject: WOUGNET Update Newsletter - June 2002

WOUGNET Update Newsletter - June 2002
Here is a list of what's new at the Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)
website - http://www.wougnet.org For comments or queries,
please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe/unsubscribe to the WOUGNET Update Newsletter, send a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following
command in the subject or body of your message: subscribe/unsubscribe



= ALFA Women's Groups
The ALFA Women's Groups are a result of the Rural Women's Empowerment
program of Abundant Life For All (ALFA) Ministries. The mission is to
empower women through micro-enterprises and through building their own
businesses for self-sustenance and economic independence. (Profile
includes photos).

= Disabled Women in Development (DIWODE)
Currently operating within Kampala district, DIWODE aims at creating
creating a positive change towards her members sociallly,
economically and development through self-help initiatives such as
establishment of simple income generating activities (SIGA).

= Nakaseke Women Development Association (NAWODA)
NAWODA is aiming at empowering women by training and integrating ICT
skills into their daily income-generating activities for development.
This will reverse the current trend of unequal gender access to new
technologies.  Nakaseke women were the pioneer users of the CD-ROM
'Rural Women in Africa: Ideas for Earning Money' developed by the
IWTC and the IDRC/Nairobi office. This CD-ROM is a new information
tool that offers direct access to poor women with little or no
reading ability.
NAWODA is searching for partners and donor organizations that can
donate computers to NAWODA, invest in new projects and boost
fundraising for sustainability of NAWODA.

= Report on WorldSpace Radio training held at Isis WICCE
In May 2002, ALIN Eastern Africa (ALIN-EA) invited WOUGNET members to
participate in a demonstration on the use of WorldSpace radio to
access development information. Two WOUGNET members participated:
Abundant Life For All Ministries (ALFA Ministries) and Lungujja
Women's Association (LWA).  This report is compiled from their
reports to WOUGNET about the demonstration which was
conducted at Isis-WICCE,  Kampala, and was facilitated by Noah
Lusaka, Project Officer, ALIN-EA. There were 12 participants (8 women
and 4 men) who came from the following districts: Luweero, Iganga,
Ssese, Kampala and Mpigi.


a) Development

= Kenya Disabled Development Society (KDDS)
Kenya Disabled Development Society (KDDS) was formed in January 1992.
The Society is exclusively manned by disabled persons. Its main
objective is to develop the disabled persons educationally, socially
and economically, to hence fit in the mainstream of the society.

b) Environment

= AfroGreenVision
This site is dedicated in helping Africans embrace sustainable
development. The site contains a section dedicated to African women's
resources on sustainable development. AfroGreenVision focuses on
three areas: Organic farming, solar energy and environmental

c) Health

= Uganda Ministry of Health
In an ongoing effort to raise awareness and access to health
information, the Uganda Ministry of Health has launched a web
resource for health professionals, managers, and the general public
in Uganda and the rest of the world. The website is a way of
promoting the policies and activities of the Ministry of Health to
the outside world. The site will communicate the national health
mission, policies and strategies, share information, statistics and
resources, provide updates on programs and activities, advocate with
policy-makers, opinion leaders and donors about health issues in

= Population and Reproductive Health (POP/RH) Portal
The Development Gateway's Population and Reproductive Health (POP/RH)
Portal is an Internet initiative of the United Nations Population
Fund (UNFPA) and the Development Gateway Foundation. The Portal is a
community-built Internet database of shared population information,
including data, research, publications, projects, ideas and dialogue
about population and reproductive health issues. The Portal also
seeks to promote innovative knowledge-sharing arrangements about
POP/RH. Visitors to the website area able to sign up for free
membership, which entitles them to receive regular updates on new
resources that are added.

d) ICT-related organisations

= UgaBYTES Initiative
UgaBYTES Initiative aims at championing the introduction and
application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in
Uganda's development process with particular emphasis to
participation of strategic sectors of the economy as well as
disadvantaged groups and members of the community. UgaBYTES has
launched a local ICT information sharing and empowerment program with
the following activities: networking among local ICT practitioners,
human resource development for local ICT practitioners, Quick Info
access point on community access initiatives, and research and
monitoring of community ICT access issues.

= Digital Opportunity Channel
Digital Opportunity Channel is a new online community focusing on the
use of information and communications technologies (ICT) for
sustainable development. Officially launched on World
Telecommunications Day 2002 from the OneWorld centre in India, the
web site will place a special emphasis on promoting digital
opportunity in developing countries.

e) Rights

= Inter-African Network for Human Rights and Development (AFRONET)
Based in Lusaka, Zambia, the Inter-African Network for Human Rights
and Development (AFRONET) is an organisation that seeks to achieve
adherence to universally accepted human rights standards and good
governance by all people in Africa through research and monitoring
human rights developments, information sharing, education, networking
with other civil society organisations and providing support for
emerging human rights bodies.

f)  General resources

= Parliament of Uganda
The Parliament of Uganda is the legislative arm of the Uganda
government, and has 306 MPs with about 30% of them women. There are
gender sensitive men too. The Parliament of Uganda has a policy
to pursue legislation that is gender sensitive - treats men, women,
children, labour, persons with disability equally before the law. The
Parliament of Uganda also has a committee of volunteers  that
promotes the use of ICT in development. The committee is led by Hon.
Dr. Johnson Nkuuhe.


May 2002

= African Stepping Stone trainers participate in Reproductive Well-being
    & Domestic Violence workshops
Two Ugandan Stepping Stone trainers were part of a team
participating in a series of Building Bridges workshops that would
help them share understandings and approaches in the fields of Sexual
and Reproductive Well-being and Domestic Violence. Ten trainers from
Uganda, Gambia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe were scheduled to
meet together with UK and Nicaraguan practitioners involved in gender
and HIV work and to look at lessons emerging from their varied
experiences. The exchange visits were facilitated by Exchange
Programme, a networking and learning programme on health
communication for development hosted by Healthlink Worldwide and
funded by Department for International Development (DFID).

= The East African Meeting on Alternative Leadership,
     May 23 - 26, 2002
Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) with support from Ford
Foundation will convene a meeting of East African researchers and
activists working to promote alternative and transformative
leadership. The meeting of 40 participants to be held in Uganda will
review the existing forms of leadership and explore alternative and
transformative modes of leadership and share strategies. The
perspectives and experiences of the participants will be documented
and disseminated widely in the region in order to strengthen
institutions working in this field.

June 2002

= REMINDER: Online Conference: Information Access for Rural Women,
     June 3 - 21, 2002
Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET) invites you to participate in an
online conference on "Information Access for Rural Women".
Information, communication and entertainment are as critical for
rural living as they are for urban living, and indeed there is
increasing demand for information and communication equipment and
services in rural areas. However, major challenges exist in terms of
available means of information access and dissemination as well as
how to operate the audio-visual systems used in rural areas.
Conference details and registration are available in:
English -  http://www.wougnet.org/Events/iarw.html
French -  http://www.wougnet.org/Events/iarw_fr.html

February 2003

= African Women's Health Conference 2003
     February 4-7, 2003, Johannesburg, South Africa
African health rights activists and researchers from all sub-regions
of the continent will meet to discuss issues with policy makers and
health service providers -- bringing a forum for debate on some of
the most critical issues of Gender and Health in Africa. Panel
Presentations and Round Table Discussions will be held by some of the
most prominent International names in the fields of Health and Rights
in Africa. There will also be Workshops on best practices, Skills
Exchange opportunities, and Seminal Lectures by Africans thinkers,
writers and scholars.

To list your event/news on the WOUGNET website, send details about
the event/news including contact information to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET) website and
mailing lists are hosted by Kabissa - Space for Change in Africa

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