Yesterday I was helping another user to set up OTR plugin and we had a hard 
time authenticating.
They installed the plugin and generated a fingerprint on their end. I already 
had it set up and generated.

I would request authentication and they would get a pop up dialog asking for 
the response, enter the response and press OK.
Then I would get a popup saying Authentication failed.

We tried in reverse and the same thing happened on their end when I supplied 
the answer and pressed OK.
What are we doing wrong?

Thank you

-----Original Message-----
From: Gajim-devel [] On Behalf Of Yann 
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Gajim-devel] Bug reports

On 12/09/2015 12:19 PM, Andrey Utkin wrote:
> 1. Trac system refused to accept my bugreport submission, saying i'm a 
> spambot. The bug info is here
> 2. Trac system currently pretends that my registered profile doesn't 
> exist. So I post here.
> 3. Mailing list archives are not available by link 
> which is advertised on 
> 4. Audio/video calls don't work. Tested in 
> Gentoo and Ubuntu 15.10. I'd like to donate for calls functionality 
> being fixed and streamlined.
> Cannot afford a ton of money, but a couple of hundreds of bucks from 
> me is possible. I can ask other people to donate more. Calls is what 
> would stop my girlfriend to think that Jabber is useless :)
> Honest comments about development speed and perspectives of further 
> development are appreciated.
> Thanks.


1. Unfortunatly our trac is spammed a lot, so we had to put antispam system. 
I'm not happy that we have to do that, but without it, I have to close it 
2. NEver heard aboutthat. What is your login?
3. Archive link is now fixed. Thanks.
4. I am working on the next version of Gajim, that will use GTK3 and python3. 
It will also use gstreamer1.0, so I hope things will be better.
Fell free to test it from sources and report issues. From my tests, audio 
works, I was not able to have video working for the moment.


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