On Jan 23, 2013, at 4:09 PM, Luobin Yang wrote:

> Hi, 
> I ran into this error and I found the following thread discussing the 
> problem, interestingly, for my system, the computer node runs the same Python 
> version as the head node, but with a newer OS version, but it also generates 
> this error. Does this mean the Galaxy system requires the computer nodes in a 
> cluster to have the same version of OS and the same version of Python?
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.science.biology.galaxy.devel/3188
> Luobin

Hi Luobin,

If you remove the galaxy-dist/eggs/ directory and then run:

    galaxy-dist% python ./scripts/fetch_eggs.py

On both the galaxy server and the cluster, the output should reveal the 
differences in what platforms are being detected.  It's not required that they 
be the same OS or Python version, but if they differ they will both need to 
acquire platform-specific eggs.  Normally missing eggs are fetched 
automatically, but there are a few cases where you have to run fetch_eggs.py by 


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