Hi Rocco,

To help us get oriented, which galaxy-dist pull did you start from and which did you update to? If you have the release date/hg pull numbers, that would be great. If you need to reference, these are the prior distributions:

Ideally, you would be current through the March 12, 2012 distribution, which included some bugs fixes for python 2.5 support. Support for python 2.4 ended with the Nov 18, 2011 distribution.

If there is anything else customized about your system that you feel would be relevant (other odd behavior?), that would be good to send back. For example, can you delete and purge datasets through the UI? Histories?

I am going to move your question over the galaxy-...@bx.psu.edu mailing list, which is the best place to reach the development community. The galaxy-user list is intended for data/tool usage questions, with a focus on Galaxy main.

Please leave the galaxy-dev list in the "cc" for your return email,


Galaxy team

On 3/26/12 1:57 AM, rocco.piazza wrote:

I'm working on a local instance of Galaxy-dist and I just
updated it. Right after the update I tried to run the
cleanup scripts. Unfortunately what I'm getting is the
following error:

# sh delete_datasets.sh -d 0 -r
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./scripts/cleanup_datasets/cleanup_datasets.py",
line 524, in <module>
     if __name__ == "__main__": main()
   File "./scripts/cleanup_datasets/cleanup_datasets.py",
line 101, in main
     app = CleanupDatasetsApplication( config )
   File "./scripts/cleanup_datasets/cleanup_datasets.py",
line 512, in __init__
     self.model = galaxy.model.mapping.init(
config.file_path, config.database_connection,
engine_options={}, create_tables=False,
object_store=self.object_store )
line 1818, in init
     load_egg_for_url( url )
line 1798, in load_egg_for_url
     dialect = guess_dialect_for_url( url )
line 1794, in guess_dialect_for_url
     return (url.split(':', 1))[0]
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'split'

The same error occurs if I try to run other cleanup
scripts, such as the delete_datasets or purge_datasets.

Any idea to solve this issue?

Best regards,
The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of
Galaxy analysis and other features on the public server
at usegalaxy.org. Please keep all replies on the list by
using "reply all" in your mail client. For discussion of
local Galaxy instances and the Galaxy source code, please
use the Galaxy Development list:


To manage your subscriptions to this and other Galaxy lists,
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