Hello all,

Some GCC2016 <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/> news:

   - *On-time registration
   <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/registration/index.php> for GCC2016 ends this
   Saturday, June 4. *After that *late registration kicks in and rates go
   up 100%*. You don't want to pay that.  (Training
   <http://gcc16.sched.org/overview/type/D.x+Training+-+All> has also
   started to fill up, so register now to get the sessions you want.)
   - The full conference schedule <http://gcc16.sched.org/> is now online,
   including talks
   <http://gcc16.sched.org/overview/type/E.1+Conference+-+Talks>, posters
   <http://gcc16.sched.org/overview/type/E.2+Conference+-+Posters> and demos
   - We still have space for a limited number of posters.  Please submit
   your ideas now
   before we run out of space.

Hope to see you there,

Dave C

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