
I just added a new tool to my existed work flow. And I would like to set
the parameter of this tool to 'set at runtime', but I got an error message
as following:

 Server error
 Module weberror.evalexception.middleware:*364* in respond
>>  <>app_iter *=*
self*.*application*(*environ*,* detect_start_response*)*
 Module paste.debug.prints:*98* in __call__
>>  <>environ*,*
 Module paste.wsgilib:*539* in intercept_output
>>  <>app_iter *=*
application*(*environ*,* replacement_start_response*)*
 Module paste.recursive:*80* in __call__
>>  <>*return*
self*.*application*(*environ*,* start_response*)*
 Module paste.httpexceptions:*632* in __call__
>>  <>*return*
self*.*application*(*environ*,* start_response*)*
 Module galaxy.web.framework.base:*160* in __call__
>>  <>body *=*
method*(* trans*,* ****kwargs *)*
 Module galaxy.web.framework:*67* in decorator
>>  <>*return*
simplejson*.*dumps*(* func*(* self*,* trans*,* ***args*,* ****kwargs *)* *)*
 Module galaxy.web.controllers.workflow:*706* in editor_form_post
>>  <>'tool_state'
*:* incoming*.*pop*(*"tool_state"*)*
 Module galaxy.workflow.modules:*363* in from_dict
>>  <>*assert*
type *in* self*.*module_types
 *AssertionError: *

And when I added an annotation/notes, and I wanted to save this work flow,
I got the same error.

Any idea?

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