Hi All,

We have just released the first beta version of a Galaxy API extension, that greatly simplifies some of the typical jobs that are performed by external jobs, that uses the Galaxy API.

Please note that this API extension project is *NOT a part of the Galaxy project*. The Galaxy developer team can not in any way be expected to support this Python module.

Please also note that this project is still in beta.

The extended API consists of a single Python source file. The download includes a Python script for easy installation.

If you want to try it out, please visit our project wiki page for examples of usage and more info about download, installation and setup.


We hope you find this useful.

Kind regards

- Frank

Frank Sørensen, B.Sc., Programmer
Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory (MDL)
Molekylær Medicinsk Afdeling (MOMA)
Århus Universitetshospital Skejby, Brendstrupgårdsvej, 8200 Århus N
Tlf. +45 7845 5363
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