
This is the first question I ask on this list, please let me know if I'm 'doing 
it wrong'. 

Currently I'm trying to implement a workflow that uses a sort of microarray 
data which consists of one CSV file for each experiment done. The first step in 
the workflow is to preprocess the data and merge all files into a single CSV 
file (using an R script). Now my question is, is it possible to supply the user 
a Galaxy 'upload file' interface where he/she can:
- enter the number of experiments done (thus number of files to upload)
- depending on the above, present one 'select file' button and a new metavalue 
used for naming the experiment
- directly execute an R script after pressing the 'Execute' button.
- add the single resulting file from this R script to the users history pane 
(an intermediate composite datatype holding all uploaded files and manually 
executing the script is fine as well)

If this is possible, could you please add a hint in the right direction, that 
would be very helpful! Also, just giving an example of a Galaxy workflow that 
does any of the mentioned would be great too!
However if this seems to be impossible to do, what are the alternatives? Maybe 
create my own webtool that does the above and link that to my Galaxy?

Thanks in advance for any replies.

- Marcel

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