If you haven't already registered for BOSC, now is your chance--after 
June 3, prices will go up!

Registration for BOSC is through the ISMB main conference website:
http://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2011-registration#sigs . Since BOSC is a
two-day SIG, the price is 2x the one-day SIG price listed on the ISMB
website. You can register for BOSC without registering for the main ISMB
conference, if you want.

The preliminary BOSC schedule (subject to change) is now up at
http://www.open-bio.org/wiki/BOSC_2011_Schedule (more details will be
added soon). There is also a two day Codefest proceeding BOSC; please add
yourself to the list of attendees if you are interested:

The BOSC talks have already been chosen, but we have spaces
for last-minute posters. If you'd like your poster abstract
to appear in the BOSC program, you should submit it now--see

We hope to see you at BOSC!

        Nomi Harris
        Co-Chair, BOSC 2011
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