Dear all,

I'm installing a local version of Galaxy but I'm having issues configuring the FTP upload functionality that I need. I assume the documentation in the wiki about configuring proftpd is outdated since Galaxy has recently changed authentication method. I apologize in advance for the length of this e-mail, thanks to everyone who will bother to reply.

My Galaxy set up uses Postgresql as db and nginx and it seems working fine. I installed the latest available version of Proftpd (1.3.5rc3) and compiled it with all the needed (I think) modules. Here they are:



My proftpd.conf looks like this:

# This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file (rename it to
# 'proftpd.conf' for actual use.  It establishes a single server
# and a single anonymous login.  It assumes that you have a user/group
# "nobody" and "ftp" for normal operation and anon.

ServerName                      "ProFTPD 4 Galaxy"
ServerType                      standalone
DefaultServer                   on
AuthPAM                         off
SyslogFacility                  DAEMON
SyslogLevel                     debug
# Set up mod_sql_password - Galaxy passwords are stored as hex-encoded SHA1
SQLPasswordEngine               on
SQLPasswordEncoding             hex
AuthOrder                       mod_sql.c       
RequireValidShell               off

# Set up mod_sql to authenticate against the Galaxy database
SQLEngine                       on
SQLBackend                      postgres
SQLConnectInfo                  galaxy_prod@localhost:5432 galaxy password
#SQLAuthTypes                   SHA1
SQLAuthTypes                    SHA1 SHA256 pbkdf2
SQLPasswordPBKDF2               SHA256 1000 24
SQLAuthenticate                 users
SQLDefaultHomedir               /var/opt/local/proftpd
SQLUserInfo                     custom:/LookupGalaxyUser
SQLPasswordUserSalt             sql:/GetUserSalt
#SQLNamedQuery LookupGalaxyUser SELECT "email,password,'497','495','/home/galaxy/galaxy_dist/database/ftp/%U','/bin/bash' FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'" SQLNamedQuery LookupGalaxyUser SELECT "email, (CASE WHEN substring(password from 1 for 6) = 'PBDKF2' THEN substring(password from 38 for 69) ELSE password END) AS password2,'galaxy','galaxy','/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/database/ftp/%U','/bin/bash' FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'" SQLNamedQuery GetUserSalt SELECT "(CASE WHEN SUBSTRING (password from 1 for 6) = 'PBDKF2' THEN SUBSTRING (password from 21 for 36) END) AS salt FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'"

SQLLogFile                      /var/log/proftpd.log
SQLDefaultGID                   1002
SQLDefaultUID                   1002

# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port                            21
PassivePorts                    30000 40000

# Don't use IPv6 support by default.
UseIPv6                         off

# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs and files
# from being group and world writable.
Umask                           077

# To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
# to 30.  If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
# at once, simply increase this value.  Note that this ONLY works
# in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
# that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
# (such as xinetd).
MaxInstances                    30

# Set the user and group under which the server will run.
User                            galaxy
Group                           galaxy

# To cause every FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home
# directory, uncomment this line.
DefaultRoot ~
CreateHome                      on dirmode 700

# Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
AllowOverwrite          on
AllowStoreRestart               on

# Bar use of SITE CHMOD by default

# Bar use of RETR (download) since this is not a public file drop
<Limit RETR>


I have found the SQLNamedQuery directives by googling around and I have figured out they should work both with old and new password encryption methods used by Galaxy. My installation however is fresh and thus I should have only password encrypted with the new method.

When I try to ftp the server this is what shows up in the log:

2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: >>> sql_sess_init
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering postgres cmd_defineconnection
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]:  name: 'default'
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]:  user: 'galaxy'
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]:  host: 'localhost'
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]:    db: 'galaxy_prod'
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]:  port: '5432'
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]:   ttl: '0'
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting postgres cmd_defineconnection 2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' successfully established
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: mod_sql engine     : on
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: negative_cache     : off
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: authenticate       : users
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: usertable          : users
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: userid field       : userid
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: password field     : passwd
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: UID field          : uid
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: GID field          : gid
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: homedir field      : homedir
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: homedir(default) : '/var/opt/local/proftpd'
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: shell field        : shell
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: SQLMinUserUID      : 999
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: SQLMinUserGID      : 999
2013-07-20 16:35:54,618 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: <<< sql_sess_init
2013-07-20 16:36:01,533 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: >>> sql_escapestr
2013-07-20 16:36:01,533 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering postgres cmd_escapestring
2013-07-20 16:36:01,533 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: Postgres server version: 9.2.4
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' opened
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 2
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 1
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting postgres cmd_escapestring
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: <<< sql_escapestr
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: >>> sql_lookup
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: >>> process_named_query 'GetUserSalt' 2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering postgres cmd_escapestring
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 2
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 1
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting postgres cmd_escapestring
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_select
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 2
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,537 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: query "SELECT (CASE WHEN SUBSTRING (password from 1 for 6) = 'PBDKF2' THEN SUBSTRING (password from 21 for 36) END) AS salt FROM galaxy_user WHERE email=''"
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 1
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_select
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: <<< process_named_query 'GetUserSalt'
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: <<< sql_lookup
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: >>> sql_pre_pass
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: <<< sql_pre_pass
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: >>> cmd_getpwnam
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering postgres cmd_escapestring
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 2
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 1
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting postgres cmd_escapestring 2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: cache miss for user ''
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: >>> sql_lookup
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: >>> process_named_query 'LookupGalaxyUser' 2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering postgres cmd_escapestring
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 2
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 1
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting postgres cmd_escapestring 2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering postgres cmd_escapestring
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 2
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 1
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting postgres cmd_escapestring
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_select
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 2
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,540 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: query "SELECT email, (CASE WHEN substring(password from 1 for 6) = 'PBDKF2' THEN substring(password from 38 for 69) ELSE password END) AS password2,'galaxy','galaxy','/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/database/ftp/','/bin/bash' FROM galaxy_user WHERE email=''"
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 1
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_select
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: <<< process_named_query 'LookupGalaxyUser'
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: <<< sql_lookup
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: custom SQLUserInfo query 'LookupGalaxyUser' returned 6 columns for user '' 2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: user UID 0 below SQLMinUserUID 999, using SQLDefaultUID 1002 2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: user GID 0 below SQLMinUserGID 999, using SQLDefaultGID 1002 2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: cache miss for user '' 2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: user '' cached 2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: + pwd.pw_name :
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: + pwd.pw_uid   : 1002
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: + pwd.pw_gid   : 1002
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: + pwd.pw_dir : /home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/database/ftp/
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: + pwd.pw_shell : /bin/bash
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: <<< cmd_getpwnam
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: >>> cmd_auth
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering postgres cmd_escapestring
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 2
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_open
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: connection 'default' count is now 1
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting      postgres cmd_close
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: exiting postgres cmd_escapestring 2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: cache hit for user ''
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: >>> cmd_check
2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: checking password using SQLAuthType 'sha1' 2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: 'sha1' SQLAuthType handler reports failure 2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: checking password using SQLAuthType 'sha256' 2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: 'sha256' SQLAuthType handler reports failure 2013-07-20 16:36:01,541 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: checking password using SQLAuthType 'pbkdf2' 2013-07-20 16:36:01,547 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: 'pbkdf2' SQLAuthType handler reports failure
2013-07-20 16:36:01,547 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: <<< cmd_check
2013-07-20 16:36:01,547 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: <<< cmd_auth
2013-07-20 16:36:02,861 mod_sql/4.3[4127]: entering     postgres cmd_exit


It looks like it is able to retrieve the user from the db but then it somewhat fails to check the password validity.

Thanks again.

Bye and have a nice w.e.

Federico Zambelli, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics, Evolution and Comparative Genomics Lab
Dept. of Biosciences
University of Milano - Italy

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