Dear everyone,

These days I want to  localize Galaxy on our server. When I tried to
arrange gatk, I met a problem as follow. Firstly, I run the script
'' like this:

-d  -I /share/home/wuyilei/bioc/test/111/test1.bbioc/test/111/test1.bam
.bam test1 -p  /bio-db/apps/pool/java1.6/jre1.6.0_24/bin/java -jar
-R /bio-db/reference-genome/hg19.fa -T  DepthOfCoverage

But I got an error message like this: error: no such
option: -j

Then I tried to add a couple of single quotes on the parameters  behind of
-d and -p, just like the following:

-d  '-I' /share/home/wuyilei/bioc/test/111/test1.bbioc/test/111/test1.bam
.bam test1 -p  '/bio-db/apps/pool/java1.6/jre1.6.0_24/bin/java -jar
-R /bio-db/reference-genome/hg19.fa -T  DepthOfCoverage '

Then '' can work well!

But if I use the job submission system which was arranged on my server, I
can not run the '' script any more. After a long time
research, I found the problem, all because  of the  single quotes behind of
-d and -p.

Can anyone help me, for example, rewrite the script  '' for
me, then I can delete the single quotes! Or give me some other advice.

Looking forward your reply!

Wei Liu.
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