Hello all,

A lot is happening in in the Galaxy in October, and a lot of good stuff
happened in September too. Take a look at the October 2014 Galaxy Newsletter
<https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/GalaxyUpdates/2014_10> for the complete
story, but here are some highlights:


   *Galaxy needs your input!
   may even get rewarded for your input ...

   IRC channel to be logged
   starting this month

   Slides from ECCB'14 and upcoming events

   71 new papers
   including 6 featured papers

   Who's Hiring?
   <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/GalaxyUpdates/2014_10#Who.27s_Hiring> Lots
   of places, that's who

   Two new public Galaxy Servers

   New Deployment Catalog and Log Board entries

   36 new ToolShed repos

   And a smattering of other news
   <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/GalaxyUpdates/2014_10#Other_News> too

Happy October!

Dave Clements and the Galaxy Team
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