Hi all,

I'm trying to make a tool that takes, as input, a dataset of type="data" and 
format = "axt,fasta".  I want to run the axt_to_fasta tool if the input is axt 
and the fasta_to_tabular if the input is fasta.

Basically, I want to wrap all the type conversions into one tool, since it 
seems like there is no easy way to allow submenus under the <section> tags.

My output from this tool will be the same as the input because I just want to 
pass it along to another tool; my question is, what should my command be?  
Should I try to call /lib/galaxy/tools/__init__.py or 

So far I'm trying to learn the architecture of galaxy by delving into the code, 
looking at all the tool configs and running firebug on firefox to step through 
the javascript.  It makes for slow going though and there's a lot I don't get 

Thanks for any insight,

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