I have a question about sending a bed to Ensembl or bam to IGV through

I have setup a galaxy on my own pccluster.

Everything is fine. 

But when I want to display the bam file to IGV, I got the error message
about error loading files.

"Error loading
m: An error occurred while accessing:
m Read error; BinaryCode in readmode; streamed file (filename not

When I use the url to get the file directly, it can be successfully

I meet the same situation when I send the bed file to display at Ensembl.

The tract will not be shown on Ensembl.

When I want to send the bed manually through url, I also get the error
message about loading files.

"Unable to access file. Server response: 500 read timeout"

Does anyone know how to solve the problem??

Thanks a lot!!


Best Regards,

Terry Yeh

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