Hi Paul,

I have Galaxy running on a small Mac workstation. I have made a specific user, 'galaxy', for it. It is cleaner, but probably overkill for 1 person.

Note also that you can install a daemon to start Galaxy automatically when your computer starts: https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/src/d2d4b6ac2139f1623301990462a5e63b2952dcc1/contrib?at=default

I don't think I have ever waited long enough to see the end of the unit tests. If some fail without any obvious reason (missing dependencies or what not), you should probably raise this issue on the Galaxy mailing list or bug tracker.



On 15/06/13 08:54, Paul St. Amand wrote:
I am trying to install Galaxy on a new iMac (i7, 32gb ram, OSX 10.8). Mostly 
the install worked and I can use my local install. However, about 25% of the 
functional tests failed for me. And about 4 of the unit tests failed for me. 
Also, I can't seem to install anything from the toolshed (logged in as Admin). 
Below is what I did to install. Can any Galaxy/Mac gurus out there please fix 
the errors in the below install list so that we can have a good idea of the 
best practices for installing Galaxy on a Mac running the latest version of 
OSX? Also, tips for installing all of the dependencies would be great too.

Best practices for a local install of Galaxy for only 1 user on a Mac.

For Galaxy on a Mac (OSX 10.8):
To uninstall:
delete galaxy-dist folder (should anything else be done??)

To install Galaxy on a Mac (OSX 10.8):
1. Install Mercurial, download latest version from 
http://mercurial.selenic.com/mac/ and unzip and run installer.
2. Run the following in the terminal as a NON-root user (change "pst" to your user ID). (Is it 
better to create a "galaxy" user and install as user "galaxy"???) (Is it OK to use 
/Users/MacID/Applications as the install location, or is the home folder best??):
% cd /Users/pst/Applications
% hg clone https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-dist/
% cd /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist
% hg update stable
3. After install, run this to start the server and create defaults, then 
Control-C to quit the server:
% cd /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist
% sh run.sh
% Ctrl-c in the terminal
4. Make the following changes to the universe_wsgi.ini file (found in 
/Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist/) using any text editor, save file as a 
UNIX text only file (TextWrangler works great for this) (What other changes 
should be made?).
library_import_dir = /Users/pst/Documents/GalaxyDataFiles
allow_library_path_paste = True
admin_users = you...@yourlocation.com
allow_user_dataset_purge = True
debug = False
use_interactive = False
cleanup_job = onsuccess
5. Set Up Visualizations:
% cd /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist
% cp datatypes_conf.xml.sample datatypes_conf.xml
6. Get wigToBigWig and bedGraphToBigWig from 
(http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/macOSX.x86_64/) and copy the files to 
the /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist/ folder.
7. Set both files to be executable:
% chmod +x /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist/bedGraphToBigWig
% chmod +x /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist/wigToBigWig
8. Test installation with:
% cd /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist
% sh run_functional_tests.sh
9. Check test output. The above command will output an html file called 
"run_functional_tests.html" (found in /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist/) 
which contains all of the details of the test, along with additional information for 
failed tests.
10. Other tests:
% cd /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist
% sh run_unit_tests.sh
11. Check test output. The above command outputs an html file called 
"run_unit_tests.html" (found in /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist/) which 
contains all of the details of the test, along with additional information for failed 
12. Install dependencies??

To start the local Galaxy server:
% cd /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist
% sh run.sh

To use the local Galaxy server, enter this URL in your web browser:

To stop the Galaxy server, just hit Ctrl-c in the terminal window from which 
Galaxy is running.

To see if new releases are available:
% cd /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist
% hg incoming
If "no changes found" then you are up to date.
If changes are found, then add new versions with:
% hg pull -u

To update local galaxy:
% cd /Users/pst/Applications/galaxy-dist
% hg update stable

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