Hello Saro,

We had considered adding this genome in the past, but it had specific usage requirements that we were not able to support/display in a way that will meet the criteria set by the data owners. This has not changed.

In addition, we also now require that genomes are submitted to NCBI before adding them to Galaxy Main. There are a few practical reasons for this: to ensure that the data is truly open access, to provide a base-line quality filter, and to facilitate data management/updates. There is some data at NCBI, but the reference genome has not been submitted (or I missed it!).

This leaves the "Custom Genome" option, which is quick to do and available with the majority of tools, including the RNA-seq analysis tools. This wiki has links to the help to get set up:

Very sorry that we cannot accommodate your request at this time.


Galaxy team

On 8/9/12 11:18 PM, Saravanan Thavamanikumar wrote:
Dear Galaxy team,

I am currently running a RNA-seq experiment and wishing to use Galaxy to
do all analyses on a public server.

My genome (Eucalyptus grandis: http://www.phytozome.net/eucalyptus.php)
is not on the genome list.

Could you please make it available?

Many thanks


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