Hello Mather,

Queued jobs should not be deleted and restarted, but allowed to execute. The server is very busy at this time and NGS mapping jobs are among those jobs that are in the busiest queue.

Just to let you know, sometimes it can appear that jobs are still waiting/executing when in fact they have completed. This happens when the history view becomes outdated. Clicking on the refresh icon (double arrow) at the top of the history panel will ensure that the most current dataset status is loaded in the history panel.

Hopefully this helps to clarify the job running process,

Galaxy team

On 6/7/13 1:44 PM, Mather Ali Khan wrote:
Two days earlier i have executed my file for tophat, since then it is still in gey color and not getting any updates from server.
Should i delete the executed file and run again?
Please help me out.

*Mather Ali Khan, Ph.D.*
*247, Bond Life Sciences Center*
*1201 Rollins Street*
*University of Missouri-Columbia*
*Columbia, MO, 65211, USA
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