Hi Iry,

This web site appears to be up and running. We can't offer specifics about what was wrong (the site is run by the GMOD project), but please feel free to let us know when you have trouble and we can follow up with them about issues that are persistent.

Thanks for the feedback!

Galaxy team

On 2/28/12 6:44 AM, Iry Witham wrote:
Good Morning,

I have been attempting to go to the the Galaxy-Dev site this morning at
http://gmod.827538.n3.nabble.com/Galaxy-Development-f815885.html and Get
a "Content Encoding Error" message. The error says that "The page you
are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or
unsupported form of compression". This happens with Firefox 3.6.27, but
not with Crome or Safari. By default I use Firefox 3.6.x due to
performance issues with the later versions.

Iry Witham
Scientific Applications Administrator
Scientific Computing Group
Computational Sciences Dept.
The Jackson Laboratory
600 Main Street
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
Phone: 207-288-6744
email: iry.wit...@jax.org

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