Dear Team,

Can anyone help us to solve the below issue?

Our galaxy users could not download large sequencing data using wget or

*Thanks and Regards,*
*Ashok Varadharajan*

On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 10:15 AM, Ashok Varadharajan <>

> Dear Team,
> We are running galaxy-16.07 behind the proxy using nginx, uwsgi and
> supervisor in scientific linux 7. I have problem with downloading
> datasets using wget.
> I am getting the following html for all my datasets in the galaxy when I
> try to download it using wget [for example:  wget http://
> {GALAXYURL}/galaxy/datasets/xxxxxxxxxxxx/display?to_ext=tabular]
> Can anyone help me to solve this issue ?
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> *Thanks and Regards,*
> *Ashok Varadharajan*
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