I currently have read names with the format:
@N57638:1:64JU0AAXX:1:1:1057:943 1:Y:0:
and would like to change them to the format:

I use Manipulate FASTQ, on all reads and set 'Manipulate Reads on:' to 
'Name/Identifier', ('String Translate' becomes the only option). 
I then set the 'From:' field to '1:Y:0:' and the 'To:' field to '/1' (without 
the literal quotes). 
I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 37, in 
line 25, in main
   new_read = fastq_manipulator.match_and_manipulate_read( fastq_read )
 line 15, in match_and_manipulate_read
   new_read = manipulate_read( fastq_read )
 line 8, in manipulate_read
   new_read.identifier = "@%s" % new_read.identifier[1:].translate( maketrans( 
binascii.unhexlify( "313a593a303a" ), binascii.unhexlify( "2f31" ) ) )
ValueError: maketrans arguments must have same length

So, do the From and To fields really need to be the same length?
This seems rather strange and unhelpful.
Am I doing something wrong?

Many thanks,

Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park, 
Norwich NR4 7UH.

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